We have been given the following details of a new aircraft by Dr Gobbi, who is already well known for his aeronautical work, and in particular for the creation of an ingenious landing skid-brake which, it seems, gave good results on a Blériot monoplane.
In the Gobbi hydroaeroplane, the centre of gravity is lowered and coincides with the centre of the figure. The shape of the wing is rectangular, but if we add the auxiliary plane, known as the elevation plane, placed in front of the lifting wing, and if we add the surface area of the two ailerons behind the wing, the overall shape is square.
The lifting surface is 20m2 and the total surface 40m2. The surface of the front elevation plane is equal to the total of the surfaces of the two ailerons behind the wing. Thanks to the special shape of the wing and the arrangement of the ailerons and the elevation plane, at the start the hydroplane offers only the rear half of the lifting wing to the air resistance, the front half being perfectly horizontal and therefore parallel to the wind..
This position of the aircraft is maintained for the entire time that the engine is running. In the event of the engine stopping, the aircraft must, according to its inventor, resume its natural position due to gravity and descend slowly because, at that moment, the front half of the wing comes into operation and its resistance to forward movement prevents the aircraft from rushing forward. This allows the pilot to choose his landing site. This aircraft is equipped with a special front skid and another rear one, which is mentioned at the beginning (it is this modified skid that was applied to a Blériot monoplane).
Beneath the centre wing is a completely enclosed saloon boat, fitted with windows allowing a view in all directions, offering protection from the wind and water. The saloon boat lands on the water like a simple canoe, and watertight compartments make it unsinkable. The tail is a single vertical plane that offers no air resistance. It carries the rudder, the elevator and a small triangular stabiliser to prevent the craft pitching. This aircraft may or may not carry a passenger.