Germany shuts down half of its 6 remaining nuclear plants

Well, that will help Germany reduce reliance on coal, will it not?

I sometimes (Wonder) where people get these ideas from, Cornflakes packets?

Edit. Sometimes I wonder if I read my posts at all.......
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Well, that will help Germany reduce reliance on coal, will it not?

I sometimes where people get these ideas from, Cornflakes packets?

Frau Merkel took that decision 10 years ago, do the math: March 11, 2011... Fukushima. An emotional answer to it.

PWR / BWR certainly suck at the safety and waste level (thanks Rickover and Shippingport for that legacy), but Fukushima was absolute worst case.

Meanwhile global warming, and Germany contribution to it, are woing worse by the week...

Belgium is also shutting down its nuclear powerplants.
An emotional answer to it.
More likely this is a case of jumping on a popular mood and they were waiting for a 'reason'/excuse to do this.
Which rather raises some very serious questions.
How compromised is the German political class?

Blinkered idiocy of the highest order. If you`ll forgive the pun, the fallout for this will be the destruction of huge areas of small industry who will be unable to pay for energy, and energy poverty for millions of citizens.

Those who shout about safety have never read any statistics 1641077037045.png
Very. Like most, in the best possible taste, or not.

Sorry, head in the clouds again, I forgot to ENTER this post.
Well, that will help Germany reduce reliance on coal, will it not?

I sometimes where people get these ideas from, Cornflakes packets?

Frau Merkel took that decision 10 years ago, do the math: March 11, 2011... Fukushima. An emotional answer to it.

PWR / BWR certainly suck at the safety and waste level (thanks Rickover and Shippingport for that legacy), but Fukushima was absolute worst case.

Meanwhile global warming, and Germany contribution to it, are woing worse by the week...

Belgium is also shutting down its nuclear powerplants.
The price of the reunification of the two Germanys was a series of treaties that assured the Russians that the new Germany would be an absolutely harmless entity.

Then we have seen how the main German political leader was a woman educated in communism, that some very intelligent conservative politicians were expelled from the system with accusations of plagiarism in their university jobs, that one of Frau Merkel's last decisions was to hand over the management of taxes to the socialists and that his long-term goal is the energy dependence of Russia and possibly the expulsion of American troops, they just need a nuclear accident to serve as a pretext.

This process of slow conquest is not new, in the sixties it was called Finlandisation, and I have no objection because it is a peaceful process accepted by German taxpayers in successive free elections.

We all know that the German people are never wrong to choose their leaders.
Well, that will help Germany reduce reliance on coal, will it not?

I sometimes where people get these ideas from, Cornflakes packets?

Frau Merkel took that decision 10 years ago, do the math: March 11, 2011... Fukushima. An emotional answer to it.

PWR / BWR certainly suck at the safety and waste level (thanks Rickover and Shippingport for that legacy), but Fukushima was absolute worst case.

Meanwhile global warming, and Germany contribution to it, are woing worse by the week...

Belgium is also shutting down its nuclear powerplants.
The price of the reunification of the two Germanys was a series of treaties that assured the Russians that the new Germany would be an absolutely harmless entity.

Then we have seen how the main German political leader was a woman educated in communism, that some very intelligent conservative politicians were expelled from the system with accusations of plagiarism in their university jobs, that one of Frau Merkel's last decisions was to hand over the management of taxes to the socialists and that his long-term goal is the energy dependence of Russia and possibly the expulsion of American troops, they just need a nuclear accident to serve as a pretext.

This process of slow conquest is not new, in the sixties it was called Finlandisation, and I have no objection because it is a peaceful process accepted by German taxpayers in successive free elections.

We all know that the German people are never wrong to choose their leaders.

An argument is brewing between Germany and France with France only pledging reducing its nuclear component to 50%, down from 75% or so at the moment.
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Germany developed into a stable democracy after WW2. For that alone, the nation deserves considerable respect. The rest is internal politics.
There is a difference between respecting the decisions of German voters and those of their political leaders. For example, the decision not to expel Greece from the eurozone after Varufakis' miserable communist experiment (they keep trying) has affected my pension plan and that gives me the right to have a say in German foreign policy. The entire European economy is connected through the euro and if the French give up nuclear energy and their African policy, that will affect me when paying the energy bill, because the Spanish electricity grid is connected to the French one.
Germany developed into a stable democracy after WW2. For that alone, the nation deserves considerable respect. The rest is internal politics.
There is a difference between respecting the decisions of German voters and those of their political leaders. For example, the decision not to expel Greece from the eurozone after Varufakis' miserable communist experiment (they keep trying) has affected my pension plan and that gives me the right to have a say in German foreign policy. The entire European economy is connected through the euro and if the French give up nuclear energy and their African policy, that will affect me when paying the energy bill, because the Spanish electricity grid is connected to the French one.
Even the italian grid.
We have mostly skirted brexit, intra-EU politics, US elections, Australian partisan news. We have even avoided most international trade agreements, although the past five years provided a rich environment for such. There are discussions I would be willing to have via PM. Not in forum threads here.
There is a cynical Catalan proverb that says. "El que roba al comun, roba a ningun" (He who steals from the community does not steal from anyone).

When everything is connected, all ideological mistakes will converge on the energy bill "for the good of the planet", all debts and money leaks made by politicians will be distributed equally among all taxpayers, everyone will be impoverished but it will not be too evident at first, poor quality clothes and food, medicines of Soviet plan, but invariable prices... again the same old egalitarian story.
The impact of Chernobyl on Europeans growing up in the 80s should not be forgotten. In the UK various accidents at Windscale/Sellafield revealed the usual British mixture of bungling, penny-pinching and cover up.
The RN nuclear submarine fleet from Dreadnought through to the T class has nowhere to go and rusts quietly in the backyard of a major city.
Voters, activists and journalists subject the nuclear industry to panicked scrutiny.
Germany has grasped a nettle which other countries may have to as well. Its industry and technical universities may find alternatives that are safe and work.
Meanwhile in an industrial estate just down the road from me a bunch of characters are confident they can get fusion power to work.. We shall see.
I feel for the German people for the prices they are going to be paying in the future.
I wonder if the UK might not be better off just paying US yards to do the job. Cheaper in the long term.
Germany developed into a stable democracy after WW2. For that alone, the nation deserves considerable respect. The rest is internal politics.
The US occupation and Marshal Plan brought a stable democracy to German after WW2.
How are they going to produce enough clean energy for their people, put a wind turbine
or a solar panel on every car and building. I thought they were better engineers than that.

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