German WWII Land Carrier?


F-5 Addict
26 November 2020
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I was reading a manga called Area 88 and they mention a German concept made in WWII of a "land carrier" that was like an aircraft carrier but on land. It sounds crazy and silly enough to be one of the wunderwaffe but I can't seem to find any information on it. Was it made up for the sake of the story or did such a idea teally exist?
You can find many megalomaniac land vehicle projects across this forum. Crazy and impracticable for land battleships ideas existed but never heard about land aircraft carriers. Thinking about that, what would be its battlefield benefits? Can't find a single one. Mobility would be a nightmare for such a vehicle and would offer an easy target. Absolute no sense.

I didn't knew about Area 88 manga and anime versions. Thanks for the reference. I took a lot at internet.
Thinking about that, what would be its battlefield benefits? Can't find a single one. Mobility would be a nightmare for such a vehicle and would offer an easy target. Absolute no sense.
That's why it definitely made sense as a wunderwaffe :p. A stupidly impractical and expensive machine approved by the nutcases at the Nazi government while it's designer profited from the money dumped into it while Germany sunk further into defeat
Just had a mad back of the head thought, what about a land based equivalent of the RN flexible landing deck (IMHO one of the stupidest ideas given form).
Area 88 manga feature a Aircraft Carrier, that move on Tracks true the Desert of fictional Arabic state
Also the Carrier can dive in sand like Submarine...

Nope, not even Goering on drugs was so insane to order to build that Thing...
Longest tanks ever designed was 285 metres long - it is a size of normal aircraft carrier. In other huge tank, projected 2400-5000 crews - like a big aircraft carriers. I think, "land aircraft carrier" wouldn't be particularly crazy.
All that could have been brought to a halt by a single infantry man with a carefully placed bazooka shot. How many forward airfield could have been built for the price of that monstrosity?
Longest tanks ever designed was 285 metres long - it is a size of normal aircraft carrier. In other huge tank, projected 2400-5000 crews - like a big aircraft carriers. I think, "land aircraft carrier" wouldn't be particularly crazy.
What tank project was 285 meters long?
What tank project was 285 meters long?
Six-caterpillar flamethrower tank with 555 mm scale armour, ~1939-1942... The Ratte in its background will be about half the length of the rear track. If Ratte is German drugs, then THIS is Russian drugs) And, tank (AMBHIBIAN tank) with 2400-5000 crews - also, suggested in Russia, 1916)
What tank project was 285 meters long?
View attachment 644746
Six-caterpillar flamethrower tank with 555 mm scale armour, ~1939-1942... The Ratte in its background will be about half the length of the rear track. If Ratte is German drugs, then THIS is Russian drugs) And, tank (AMBHIBIAN tank) with 2400-5000 crews - also, suggested in Russia, 1916)
Is that thing drawn with a *crayon?* I think it can be safely discounted as being even remotely serious,
It's pretty obviously not crayon, just an unusual variety of color pencil.

That being said, it was absolutely never taken seriously by anyone besides its creator. The Soviet government got all sorts of random submissions from well-meaning but pig-ignorant engineers along those lines.
I was reading a manga called Area 88 and they mention a German concept made in WWII of a "land carrier" that was like an aircraft carrier but on land. It sounds crazy and silly enough to be one of the wunderwaffe but I can't seem to find any information on it. Was it made up for the sake of the story or did such a idea teally exist?

As far as I knew, the closest approach to that idea ever suggested were "samokhod hangars", suggested by Russian engineer Ostapenko in 1916 as part of his "samokhod (landship) armada". But there were no carriers, but more like tenders, since they were supposed only to transport & service airplanes, flight operations were to be commenced from temporary airfields.
"samokhod (landship) armada"
Could you post more about it?. Love that crazy ideas
" the beginning of October 1917, a resident of Kiev G. Ostapenko brought to Petrograd a cardboard model of his "land battleship" - earlier the Technical Committee of the GVTU had already rejected his "Shar-samokat" ("Ball-self-roller"), now they rejected a new project.

Another interesting project is worth mentioning. In January 1916, an anonymous inventor proposed to the Russian military department the idea of armored "self-propelled vehicles" (without specifying the design of the course), capable of going "on any soil ... independently cross rivers and lakes." The success of testing a model 10 inches (25.4 cm) high inspired the author so much that he proposed a whole family of "self-propelled guns": a self-propelled battleship "the size of a sea battleship" and a crew of 2,400 to 5,000 people (the author even suggested betting on the "move" old Black Sea battleships!), a smaller cruiser: "self-propelled guns" and "self-propelled machine guns", even remote-controlled "self-propelled mines" (!). From such machines, the author proposed to make a "squadron" and, adding to them a "self-propelled hangar", to send the squadron into a raid on the industrial regions of Northern Germany. The restless inventor considered it necessary to remind of himself in January 1917."
S. Fedoseev, "WW1 tanks"
imagine, Hitler get those plans in his little fingers...

oh those ones...

Weingut I, Weingut II and Diana II, were insane waste of material and Time to build Superbunkers Factory
in that case we have mention Göring pet project REIMAHG

All of them came to late, either were bomb into stone age or over run by Allies...
... and all of them are not mobile!
short for REIchsMArschall Hermann Göring, a big underground factory for Me 262,
which should take-off from a runway on the ridge (!) of the hollowed Walpersberg.
A vanity project for a megalomaniac Nazi leader...

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