German WW2 Rettin-M on-carriage radar


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
25 October 2007
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I`ve uncovered this image from a 1946 soviet report on german radar. It relates to the "Rettin-M" AA radar, installed in a Flakvierling. It was one of the few ( the only? ) on-carriage AA radar tried by Germany in WW2. There are evidence of a "Rettin-L", which I assume to mean "Land". Therefore, this radar was to be used in ground stations.


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the "Waffenrevue 36" seems to have something about the "Rettin", as it is mentioned as source here
A drawing and a scan of the description is posted there, too, see below. Translation of the short text:
"2 cm quadruple AA gun 38/43 "F" - Gun mount for 4 2 cm AA gun 38 with radar, two-men crew, development
of a triple-axis gun mount against air and sea surface targets, to be mounted on warships with radar <the latter
statement is a little bit ambigous, could mean, that this gun mount was for larger warships only, carrying a radar
by themselves, as early warning >
Development by Rheinmetall Borsig, with shiled.
On I found some data about the radar:
"Designation (old) FMG 46 <but stated for two other sets, too ! > code name "Rettin", frequenzy 3.300 MHz,
power 15kW, manufacturer AEG "


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Hi Jens,

thanks for answering. I was the one who started the thread, but without much added. I`ve posted it here since it is "naval".
Sorry, had no clue, that you was the one from the "Axis History Forum", although I thought, that you
may found it there. In his post "Alkali" mentioned the "Simplified drawing [of the ]land version from
Waffen Revue 36", but at least the description speaks of a shipmounted weapon only ! So it's quite
right here in this section.
There is another close-up photograph of the radar and its mounting in Ian Hogg's 'German Artillery of World War Two', but without any further details. It's nice to finally put some details to this intriguing idea.
Here`s another photo, this time much clearer. From TNA, WO 0208/03988.


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It looks, flash suppressors on the barrels are cut in half, directing muzzle blast away from the aerial?

I can't tell if they're halved, or if the tips are just scalloped. Either way, it seems odd.
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Placing muzzle brakes just in front of the radar aerial would be probably not the wisest idea in real life
But rather typically German's)

P.S. Russian sources call it specifically a "radar rangefinder", so as far as I could understood it was not able to actually search for target: it must be pointed through optical sight and locked, and most likely it could supply only range information (so no real blind-fire capability, just the more accurate range measurement).
Isn't it basically a GUNAR? Gun And Radar? Like the SPG-34 of the 3"/50 RF Mark 22 guns?

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