German proposals for future German battleships around 1886


ACCESS: Confidential
26 December 2019
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In Warship International vol 49 No. 4 December 2012 p. 317 and further part 3 of the article From Ironclads to Dreadnoughts written by Dirk Nottelman was published. On page 320 he wrote that the head of the naval department developed a catalogue of 13 questions like the future maximum desirable speed, In 1885 were the outlines discussed and the head of the department of naval construction named Alfred Dietrich was set to work. In March 1886 he presented various possible schemes of armament layout and so on. Head of the admiralty Von Caprivi ordered him to come with an extended overview including the costs, On 8 June 1886 presented the overview-table including 7 projects ranging between a heavy battleship and a coast defense vessel. Did any one came across this overview-table and other documents in literature or in the archives?

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