German One-Man Torpedoes "Hai' und "Hase" 1945.


I really should change my personal text
7 March 2015
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The Hai, or Shark project, was similar to the Japanese Kaiten project used exclusively as a suicide weapon but the german human torpedo wasn’t a suicide weapon this one was a high speed torpedo . It was in fact a development of the Marder. It was powered by a Walther engine. The design has undergone several modifications and transformations which led "Hase Project". The Hai prototype had a much longer hull, with an additional section for the G-7e torpedo. 11 m long, 0,53 m wide,The length would have allowed more batteries to be carried to improve speed and radius of action. powered by a 12 hp AEG AV-76 electric motor. Maximum cruising distance of 90 miles and a diving depth 40 m (practice 10).At 4 knots the speed was too poor to have promise and the length/diameter ratio of the Hai was so unfavourable however that the boat was almost unmanoeuvrable. The Hai was a poor sea boat and the project was accordingly abandoned.It was destroyed by explosives at Blaukoppel (Lübeck) at the war's end.Torpedo Hase had a body length of about 12-13 m and a diameter of 0.53 m. All the middle and nose of the case were designed and manufactured specifically for the "Hase". Thus, the nose cylindrical section of the hull was significantly longer than the corresponding unit of the base torpedo. -(The War At Sea №23 Ultra-small submarines and man-torpedoes Part 3.S. V. Ivanov) -(Hitler's Secret Commandos-Operations Of The K-Verband. By Helmut Blocksdorf. Translation by Geoffrey Brooks)-(


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The Hai, or Shark project, was similar to the Japanese Kaiten project used exclusively as a suicide weapon but the german human torpedo wasn’t a suicide weapon this one was a high speed torpedo . It was in fact a development of the Marder. It was powered by a Walther engine. The design has undergone several modifications and transformations which led "Hase Project". The Hai prototype had a much longer hull, with an additional section for the G-7e torpedo. 11 m long, 0,53 m wide,The length would have allowed more batteries to be carried to improve speed and radius of action. powered by a 12 hp AEG AV-76 electric motor. Maximum cruising distance of 90 miles and a diving depth 40 m (practice 10).At 4 knots the speed was too poor to have promise and the length/diameter ratio of the Hai was so unfavourable however that the boat was almost unmanoeuvrable. The Hai was a poor sea boat and the project was accordingly abandoned.It was destroyed by explosives at Blaukoppel (Lübeck) at the war's end.Torpedo Hase had a body length of about 12-13 m and a diameter of 0.53 m. All the middle and nose of the case were designed and manufactured specifically for the "Hase". Thus, the nose cylindrical section of the hull was significantly longer than the corresponding unit of the base torpedo. -(The War At Sea №23 Ultra-small submarines and man-torpedoes Part 3.S. V. Ivanov) -(Hitler's Secret Commandos-Operations Of The K-Verband. By Helmut Blocksdorf. Translation by Geoffrey Brooks)-(
I have never heard of a project called "Hase" and looking at the drawings, it appears to be a different version of the "Hai" where the cockpit is in the center instead of forward.
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This is a photo of the small U-Boat "Neger" You can see that the driver sits inside of a torpedo that has had it's warhead and the firing pistol apparatus removed in order to make room for the driver controls and cockpit.
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This photo shows the small U-Boat "Marder". The 'Marder has been extended to supply more room for the driver and a better fin for steering
This photo is of the small U-Boat "Hai". Besides the improvements made on the "Marder" (more space for driver and larger fin for steering). Correction: the "Hai" has been elongated to add more space for extra batteries / extended range


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Try reading previous posts...
I have multiple books on German boats of all types, to include some obscure textbooks on secret projects from the Kriegsmarine, and none of them list anything called 'Hase'. Yes, I read 'previous posts' but what is the source document where the name 'Hase' is found? That would be helpful to everyone. All I see is the boxart and drawings from Micro-Mir (that I found after reverse image search of that thread) and as far as I can tell currently, Micro-Mir are the ones that named that version the 'Hase'.
Nonsense - as pointed out above. None of the german einmanntorpedoes has any kind of fuel, they were electrically propulsioned. The "Hai"/"Marder III" got an additional batterychamber from a TIII torpedo added for extended range as well as instruments for navigation.
I stand corrected on that point, extra battery energy is not the same as liquid fuel. Extra space in the 'Hai' was for the extra energy derived from the batteries to allow for the extended range.
This is an "einmanntorpedo" per Kriegsmarine-classification, not a small uboat/mini uboat/midget uboat. Original designation "Neger", later renamed to "Marder I" - as already described in a previous post. The G7e(TIII) used as a basis for the vessel never had any kind of demolition charge, and I have no idea what you mean with "...some apparatus removed...". The physically small pilot only utilize the space available in the "head".
The G7e torpedo had a warhead (explosives) and the apparatus I referred to is the firing pistol ahead of the warhead. Those components were removed obviously to make room for the driver. See internals drawing below:


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