German Mistel & Piggy-Back Projects & Prototypes


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26 May 2006
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From Waffen Arsenal; Mistel The Piggy-Back Aircraft of the Luftwaffe.


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From Aerei Nell Storia 4-5/2007,

the Junkers Mistel patent and Mistel 3c.


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Henschel Hs 130 E with Henschel Hs 315 A

This is fake and a fantasy project by a german author ("Friedrich Georg", it´s a pseudonym) back in 2009. He has published it in a right-wing publisher. Georg´s method is to gather all details, indications for all the "german miracle weapons", he is searching for (german atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb, nazi manned spaceflight etc.) and when he got a certain number of such "evidences" he claims: "now we have the proof!" Here it happened the same way: someone claimed to have seen some strange "longe-range glider" at the Luftwaffe airfield in Zerbst. They had a strange tail. The F.G. saw a foto in an old publication (from the 1970´s). In the background are some strange german "wonder-weapons" and then he found some clues, that it must have something to do with Henschel. So, now we have it. One can read this "chain of reasoning" in his book "Hitlers Siegeswaffen" (Hitlers Victoryweapons), 2 vols. This drawing is made by him and has no real background (and a.f.a.i.k. the designation HS 315A is also his invention).
Just because a piggy back composite project is German and dates from the Nazi era, does not make it a part of the Mistel project.
Mistel (Mistletoe) was a Junkers initiative to re-purpose old Ju 88 airframes as cruise missiles, controlled for all but the final minutes by a smaller piloted jockey aircraft mounted on the upper fuselage. Variants flown included several using the Bf 109 or FW 190 as the jockey, some operationally. I do not know what others Junkers worked on, but if it was not theirs then it was not a Mistel. Several of the images posted to date appear to depict carrier aircraft air-launching a smaller operational "sharp end", which has been a common enough proposal where the payload craft has insufficient range to reach its target, but was not to my recollection ever flown under this regime (except possibly maybe the odd V-1?) and were certainly never part of the Mistel project.
A useful summary from 1977 is provided by Tony Wood & Bill Gunston's Hitler's Luftwaffe, published by Salamander. No doubt there are Junkers design studies which never made it into that book, and I would love to see more about them here.
Henschel Hs 130 E with Henschel Hs 315 A

This is fake and a fantasy project by a german author ("Friedrich Georg", it´s a pseudonym) back in 2009. He has published it in a right-wing publisher. Georg´s method is to gather all details, indications for all the "german miracle weapons", he is searching for (german atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb, nazi manned spaceflight etc.) and when he got a certain number of such "evidences" he claims: "now we have the proof!" Here it happened the same way: someone claimed to have seen some strange "longe-range glider" at the Luftwaffe airfield in Zerbst. They had a strange tail. The F.G. saw a foto in an old publication (from the 1970´s). In the background are some strange german "wonder-weapons" and then he found some clues, that it must have something to do with Henschel. So, now we have it. One can read this "chain of reasoning" in his book "Hitlers Siegeswaffen" (Hitlers Victoryweapons), 2 vols. This drawing is made by him and has no real background (and a.f.a.i.k. the designation HS 315A is also his invention).

This contains false and inaccurate statements. Whoever Friedrich Georg actually is, he raises good questions in his books. He does not claim certain things as facts and allows the reader the opportunity to research further. The politics of his publisher are not relevant, only the data. His books also contain footnotes and references, while some claims and statements are not supported.
Well, if somebody for example says " ..,. there is a circumstantial case that the Nazis successfully tested an an atom bomb ..",
(as "Friedrich Georg" in his book "SS Brotherhood of the Bell") , he of course doesn't claim that as absolute and undeniable
truth .... But he makes quite clear, I think, that he believes in it. He is a believer in several types of wonder weapons, that by
other researchers and authors are debunked as fake.
The politics of a publisher aren't relevant, of course, but a publisher like the Kopp Verlag, who publishes many books about
themes, that are well liked by people of the political right wing, probably won't support an author with opposing opinions.
And Friedrich Georgs political opinion seems to be quite clear, evidenced, too, by the choice of his co-authors, and the titles
and contents of his books, which I dare to say, aren't appropriate to this forum with regards to the very first point of the forum
rules !
Henschel Hs 130 E with Henschel Hs 315 A

This is fake and a fantasy project by a german author ("Friedrich Georg", it´s a pseudonym) back in 2009. He has published it in a right-wing publisher. Georg´s method is to gather all details, indications for all the "german miracle weapons", he is searching for (german atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb, nazi manned spaceflight etc.) and when he got a certain number of such "evidences" he claims: "now we have the proof!" Here it happened the same way: someone claimed to have seen some strange "longe-range glider" at the Luftwaffe airfield in Zerbst. They had a strange tail. The F.G. saw a foto in an old publication (from the 1970´s). In the background are some strange german "wonder-weapons" and then he found some clues, that it must have something to do with Henschel. So, now we have it. One can read this "chain of reasoning" in his book "Hitlers Siegeswaffen" (Hitlers Victoryweapons), 2 vols. This drawing is made by him and has no real background (and a.f.a.i.k. the designation HS 315A is also his invention).

This contains false and inaccurate statements. Whoever Friedrich Georg actually is, he raises good questions in his books. He does not claim certain things as facts and allows the reader the opportunity to research further. The politics of his publisher are not relevant, only the data. His books also contain footnotes and references, while some claims and statements are not supported.

You´re wrong. No questioning can make this „Hs 315 A“ become a reality. And btw. everybody can raise questions. This author uses the method of questioning mostly as a method of persuasation (or maybe propaganda). This method is called derailing: in case you have not the (historical) sources you need to underline your agenda, then questioning everything (especially the established historical research). In his last three books (I do not want to mentione the booktitles here) he raises question after question. The sentence "Fragen kommen auf" [questiones rises] is a very often used term at the end of many chapters (and not only there). But a thousand questions do not sum up to an answer. In the same book are other darwings of supposed wonderweapons too. He even claimes to know the shape of german a-bombs. This is pure speculation. But unfortunately this drawings are spread wide in the net (and become memes). Unicraft uses it for kits and I think I saw some of them somewhere here in the forum too. His books shows how the boundary between confirmation bias and conspiracy becomes fluid. He claimes the germans had the a-bomb and other things. So the next inevitably question is: why didn´t they used it? He wrote at least three books about that and his answer is: betrayal [Verrat] and conspiracy. Google his name and "Verrat" and you´ll know what I mean. And I would you agree with you that publishers should play no role. But this case is different. There are hundreds of publishers, but he choose the Grabert Verlag (and before that the Kopp Verlag). Grabert is observed by the Verfassungsschutz (Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution; or the german national secret service). To choose this publisher is an unambiguous statement. That is all, I will say about it.
And btw. everybody can raise questions.

And as a result...

The moment you ask yourself, you also unconsciously answer yourself.
As unconscious works, when conflicting answers (real or false) exist ,it makes you believe the answer that suite you. Often very different from actual facts.
That's how this questioning method works.

Anyways… O/T
Well, if somebody for example says " ..,. there is a circumstantial case that the Nazis successfully tested an an atom bomb ..",
(as "Friedrich Georg" in his book "SS Brotherhood of the Bell") , he of course doesn't claim that as absolute and undeniable
truth .... But he makes quite clear, I think, that he believes in it. He is a believer in several types of wonder weapons, that by
other researchers and authors are debunked as fake.
The politics of a publisher aren't relevant, of course, but a publisher like the Kopp Verlag, who publishes many books about
themes, that are well liked by people of the political right wing, probably won't support an author with opposing opinions.
And Friedrich Georgs political opinion seems to be quite clear, evidenced, too, by the choice of his co-authors, and the titles
and contents of his books, which I dare to say, aren't appropriate to this forum with regards to the very first point of the forum
rules !

SS Brotherhood of the Bell is by Joseph Farrell.
Sine this thread is more about "German composite aircraft projects of WWII" than just the Mistel one, might it be better renamed accordingly?

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