German "L 20e" Type battleship study

You won't find much more on your ship, but there are others. Have a look at
and for a complete survey the book
Deutsche Grosskampfschiffe 1915 to 1918
F Forstmeier & S. Breyer; Bernard u Graefe Verlag 1970 ISBN 3 7637 6230 2
about 100 pages, 30 of tables and diagrams, in German. Under £10 second hand:
Deutsche Grosskampfshiffe is must have for all naval secret projects fan! Highly recommended (includes drafts by the hand of Kaiser Wilhem II ! )
Skybolt said:
Deutsche Grosskampfshiffe is must have for all naval secret projects fan! Highly recommended (includes drafts by the hand of Kaiser Wilhem II ! )

Would that be the ones where designers commented " Those are very nice scetches, sire, but it is probable they would sink."?
Some probebly, some are very similar to the Furious Large Light Cruisers...
some are very similar to the Furious Large Light Cruisers...
but those were not the Kaiser's.
To me, his battleship looks OK, but his cruiser is very heavily loaded.
You're right! Actually, deleting the completely superfluous casemate at centership, they would be fine heavy cruisers, or light battlecruisers...
Off topic reflection: Wilhem II, with all his defects, was a remarkable fellow. It was a student in Greek philology, for example, and his study on the Greek goddess Gorgon is still cited in the scholarly works today.. People like that being rulers too was probably possible only in pre-WWI time, like Empress Elizabeth of Austria who decided in his 40s to learn Ancient Greek and in little more than a year was able to compose fine verses in that language... :eek:
What you can do with the best teachers if you don't have to earn a living! But a very impressive demonstration that cream came to the top.

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