Jason Dykstra (Wyvern)

ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
25 January 2020
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Hi all,

The purpose of this thread is to collect and present source material for German bomb types, fuzes and tactics used over the Mediterranean (with particular reference to Malta). I am looking for both British and German sources, both primary and secondary, however, I would especially like some German diagrams for fuzes and bomb designs, in addition to source material referring to tactics used by aircrew.

I am collecting this information in order to create a video series about Bomb and Mine Disposal by the Royal Engineers and RNVR, and I would like it to be as accurate from a historical standpoint as possible, as this topic is not really given all that much research despite its importance. I currently have a number of sources which will be listed below.



Edit: I apologise in advance for the empty posts currently present, however I have reserved them for posting the research I have managed to conduct so far. The post are currently a work in progress, and will be updated shortly.
German bomb types [3]

Found this online and it saved me having to re-do the table in my book. I will add if there are any missing details.

SCSprengcylindrischH.E. cylindrical general purpose.
SBSprengbombeHigh capacity bomb.
SAHigh capacity bomb.
SDSpreng DickwandH.E. thick walled, semiarmor piercing, fragmentation.
SD (small)Spreng DickwandAnti-personel.
SBeSplitter BetonConcrete fragmentation bomb.
PCPanzerdurchschlag cylindrischCylindrical armor-piercing bomb.
PDPanzer DickwandArmor-piercing.
BTBomben TorpedoTorpedo bomb.
SPSplitterFragmentation (anti-personnel).
ZCZementcylindrischCement cylindrical.
KCKampfstoffcylindrischChemical cylindrical.
NCNebelcylindrischSmoke cylindrical.

Here is the total number of bombs dropped on Malta including Italian types, which I left in as a comparison, as I find the raw data quite interesting. I will also do some graphs, and I will also open a general thread for Bomb disposal in Malta between 1940 and 1944 for some further context. [1]

I would like to make note that these numbers are only representative of the lower end of the spectrum, as the bombing was so heavy in the first half of 1942 that record keeping was limited as the officers in charge were constantly overstretched. The total number of UXB reports does not also refer to single bombs, in many cases they were reports for multiple bombs, especially after anti-personnel bombs became more common.

High Explosive bombs:


Anti-Personnel Bombs:


Incendiary Bombs:

Last edited:
I have edited this thread to include some raw numbers, as well as the graphed out data.

I would like to hear your thoughts.

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