As the French text says, it was for the "colonies and relations with the Empire."
You meant that,it was a military aircraft ?
For Georges Valette's GAV-II Austral, nothing hints at military. It says clearly "transport postal".
"Colonies and and relations with the Empire" means that it wasn't meant for service within Metropolitan France, nor transatlantic. It was meant for postal transport between France and the colonies, and within the colonies.
BTW: Austral is a now-obsolescent synonym of "Southern". No particular link to Australia.
Of course, seen from metropolitan France, the colonial empire of 1945 was very much in the South: Africa, Indochina and Pacific islands.
- And that text in TU,I don't understand it,
It is then a high-wing aircraft whose baggage compartment would be installed under the floor and accessible in flight.
A high wing version or what ?
This text is from a different publication. How is it related to GAV-II ?