General Furashita's Fleet


Passionate about the advancement of technology
8 March 2007
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I came across this site accidentally some time ago. I entered half way through, whilst doing another search, without realising it was fictional. And for a few glorious hours I was blown away at this new version of naval history I was discovering and so disappointed when I discovered the mundane reality.

Though the site contains a fantastic fiction, most ships are based on actual projects that never made it to sea and their real story (according to the author) is also included. Check it out, if you haven't already, and enjoy. I hope it will be a rich seam for further discussions on the actual existence of these ships.

Cheers, Woody
ふらshた, yeah I guess there's a clue there, it's not a common name (here in Japan) :) but some of the designs where definitely real, if unfinished, like the G3 and N3. Bizaarly he's quoted on some serious looking sites. I think the guy (author) deserves some credit for the effort he's put into it. His story about the Japanese 'Kii' (which I've heard of elsewhere) being held up in the Baltic was wonderful.

Cheers, Woody
I have found CanisD collection but I'm not sure if designs are real, based on real projects or pure fiction. ???

Anyway I love it.
"Admiral Furashita" is in reality a modeler who lives in Northern California. He had some very interesting "Flights of Fancy" entered in the 1986 IPMS/USA Nationals in Sacramento. If memory serves me correctly, he is, or at least was (on an earlier version). in the German Projects List (GPL) group on Yahoo.
pometablava said:
I have found CanisD collection but I'm not sure if designs are real, based on real projects or pure fiction. ???

Anyway I love it.

I found lots of references to CanisD (a lot of them sci-fi) but I can't find this collection you speak of. Do you have a link I could click?

Appreciatively Cheers, Woody
Hi Woody :)

Here is the ship collection:

and here's CanisD impressive SciFi drawing collection:

Cheers, Antonio
pometablava said:
Hi Woody :)

Here is the ship collection:

Wouldn't work from my end but this one does:-

Is it the same?

Cheers, Woody
Unbelivable :-[

I discovered that link yesterday and today it doesn't exists. It was not the same link you posted here but quite similar. The link you posted is more informative because it shows that CanisD takes real designs to produce "whatif" designs. The whatif designs are nicely executed but I'd like to see clear indications for what is real and what is fantasy because I'm interested on collecting only the real designs. My Salamander's "The Complete Encyclopedia of Battleships and Battlecruisers" is very comprehensive but not enough to identify all the real designs in CanisD web :(

Somehow the CanisD got changed to Can...sD in that earlier link, so it didn't work. The pictures in this collection are a mix of real and imagined. I uploaded all my various drawings basically to archive them since I have terrible luck with hard drives and wanted to cover all my bases. As for the website at I'm in the process up updating it and I'll effort to more clearly differentiate what is real, planned, or just a product of my deeply disturbed imagination. Most of the US designs at least are based on designs listed in Friedman's Design Histories series.
I'm in the process up updating it and I'll effort to more clearly differentiate what is real, planned, or just a product of my deeply disturbed imagination

Thank you so much! :)
I mentioned it in the G3 Battle Cruiser and N3 Battleship thread on the Naval Secret Projects page while talking about images of unbuilt warships I've got to list Alternative Naval Photos as found by JohnR. It should maybe be on the Scale Modelling, Fan Art & Profiles page as well.

If I wasn't living out of a suitcase I'd want these pictures framed on my study wall. I'd love to know what program he uses to create his artwork but the author is very secretive. He mentions 'Rick Robinson's Springstyle Program for ship simulations' as one of his tools but I'm not sure if this for the photo-realistic stuff or just projections. Anyway I've searched on the net and can't find a sensible description of it.

Cheers, Woody
Woody said:
I mentioned it in the G3 Battle Cruiser and N3 Battleship thread on the Naval Secret Projects page while talking about images of unbuilt warships I've got to list Alternative Naval Photos as found by JohnR. It should maybe be on the Scale Modelling, Fan Art & Profiles page as well.

If I wasn't living out of a suitcase I'd want these pictures framed on my study wall. I'd love to know what program he uses to create his artwork but the author is very secretive. He mentions 'Rick Robinson's Springstyle Program for ship simulations' as one of his tools but I'm not sure if this for the photo-realistic stuff or just projections. Anyway I've searched on the net and can't find a sensible description of it.

Cheers, Woody
Hi Woody,

Springstyle is a warship design program. Fiddle about with various parameters, stir, et voila...a 100,000 tonne super dreadnaught appears! ;D (Figuratively speaking...).

The Designing a Navy/Ship sub-forum of the Warships1 and NavWeaps Discussion Boards has oodles of such designs.

In my opinion, that photorealistic pictures can be produced with Photoshop alone.
starviking said:
Springstyle is a warship design program. Fiddle about with various parameters, stir, et voila...a 100,000 tonne super dreadnaught appears! ;D (Figuratively speaking...).

So it's not a graphics program then? I found SpringSharp:-

...but not SpringStyle. SpringSharp seams to be some sort of interactive spread sheet where you enter number of guns and speed etc. and it says your ship would sink, type of thing ;D. Is SpringStyle the same? It's useful I suppose but not the image generating panacea I'd hoped for. (PS. Cheers for the mail - will reply soon.)

pometablava said:
In my opinion, that photorealistic pictures can be produced with Photoshop alone.

So I guess that means I need talent. So it's back to practicing for me. :(

Cheers, Woody


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Woody said:
starviking said:
Springstyle is a warship design program. Fiddle about with various parameters, stir, et voila...a 100,000 tonne super dreadnaught appears! ;D (Figuratively speaking...).

So it's not a graphics program then? I found SpringSharp:-

...but not SpringStyle.

SpringStyle was the original design application, SpringSharp is an updated version.

For my drawings I use MS Paint. For photo manipulations I use a combo of MS Paint for some stuff, but mostly an old version of Photoshop. It just takes practice.

I used a photo of California as the basis for this one. Not as good as what AltNaval does, but I'm pretty proud of it.
Thanks Guys,
I'm off to work on my Yamato/Richelieu concept then. The Richelieu's my favourite weird ship and it had 170 mm deck armour and loads of room for AAA. But the idea of 8 x 18" guns all able to fire forward sounds way cool to me. It could maybe be smaller and faster than a Yamato having only 2 turrets, if anyone could make turret face plates that big. I'll post it when I've got something.

Cheers, Woody
My Richelieu-Yamato's done and available for your amusement on the Scale Modelling, Fan Art & Profiles page at:-,1774.0.html

Cheers, Woody

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