Fun in Sweden


Ah tale yew wut!
27 November 2012
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...after all that hype about what a rough-'n-ready jet the Gripen is... ;D ;D ;D
As it wasn't launched in this instance, it's a bit hard to say anything about the Gripens performance isn't it?

In any case, the decision not to react to the incoming airplanes denied any insight into Swedens defense systems and strategies.
I also think this just tells how hard it is for swedes to stop the beauty naps..not even 5 Flankers and 2 Tu-22s...then again maybe they called Danish AF to intercept them which they did ( nordisk samarbete ).
This is just the result of 20 years of governments actively hating the military. Since 1992 some 90% of our military capability has been permanently killed off. Even society itself has started to collapse now that we no longer have conscription to turn boys into men.
This is just the result of 20 years of governments actively hating the military

Interesting, I thought that was an exclusive of my country.
pometablava said:
This is just the result of 20 years of governments actively hating the military

Interesting, I thought that was an exclusive of my country.
No such luck, its historically endemic in "free" nations as they get older. Some get over it, some don't.

Nils_D said:
no longer have conscription to turn boys into men.

Whoa, when did that happen? Thats one of those things I always think of with the Swedish Military
What does all this have to do with which airplanes the Swedes use?
Because the airplanes aren't better than the military that uses them? And as it stand we don't even have enough budget to keep them properly armed, or keep more than two of them on alert at any one time. Since about 2009 our military is now volunteer only in true US-fashion and its main purpose is no longer defense of the homeland against our traditional enemy Russia but instead supporting NATO operations like Afghanistan and Libya so we can look cool internationally. A false facade, like all the other propaganda Sweden likes to project abroad.
The pressure was off for a few years when the Soviet Union collapsed and the countries of Europe have been enjoying their "peace dividend" and neglecting their military forces.

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