Fuel Air Explosive = Bad Day, Fuel from Air as Energy Source = Game Changer

So - how much renewable energy does it take to make a barrel of this stuff?
bobbymike said:
I always felt technological advances would continue to make energy supplies plentiful but this is surprising non the less.

Don't know why... I built on of these more than a decade ago. Merrily sat there chugging away turning carbon dioxide and water into methanol and oxygen. The whole setup was the size of suitcase, designed to be sent to Mars to make rocket fuel.

It's a stunningly energy inefficient way to make go-juice for cars, though. Given the setup, it'd be better to simply use plug-in hybrids and feed off the electrical grid, and/or convert garbage into "petrol" via TDP. If your goal is to draw carbon dioxide out of the air, we have these things called "trees" that do just that.

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