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To: skunk-works

Subject: skunk-works "From RAINBOW to GUSTO: Stealth and the Design of the

Lockheed Blackbird"

Hi, everyone.

I thought that some of the folks here might be interested in my book,

which AIAA is publishing at the end of the month. It's the story of

early work in stealth and how it influenced the design of the

Blackbird. I was able to interview many of the Lockheed and Lincoln

Lab/SEI folks, and even Bob Widmer (Kelly Johnson's counterpart at

Convair) and Leo Geary. There are previously unpublished drawings and

photos, including Lockheed's four subsonic stealthy designs from

1957, the two major versions of FISH, desk models of five Kingfish

designs, the Navy inflatable aircraft designs, Lockheed's versions of

FISH, and all but two of Lockheed's Archangel series. There are also

lots of Kelly Johnson's rough sketches.

And, of course, it covers the evolution of various RCS reduction


Finally, AIAA will be putting on line my collection of declassified

documents, although not the drawings and photos.

And many thanks to Jay Miller for his help, encouragement, and

friendship during the many years that it took to bring this project to





Paul A. Suhler

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