French nuclear aircraft Engine ?

Michel Van

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
13 August 2007
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According this Source

the french SNECMA work on Nuclear Aircraft engine called "BRENDA"
A gas-cooled reactor, using ceramic-clad enriched uranium oxide fuel and would be moderated by beryllium oxide. 1 MWth power, 1300 F temperature.
the source tell to found this on a old AEC list of reactor proposals.

is there more information in French about this project ?
Years ago, I've got soem copies from Pierre Sparaco "Concorde", Docavia.
There's a nuclera powered version of the then still "Super Caravelle" mentioned
and a drawing of the engine installation, but without any designation


  • nuclear_engine.jpg
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Hi, I'm the author of Atomic Skies. Would you mind if I posted that nuclear "Super Caravelle" picture on my blog? I'd credit you of course.

If anyone has any more information about BRENDA, I'd love to hear it. I think it was probably just a misunderstood maritime propulsion reactor - the AEC was studying similar concepts at around that time - but I'd love to be wrong.
asnys said:
Would you mind if I posted that nuclear "Super Caravelle" picture on my blog? I'd credit you of course.

You should credit the original source, I think, not me ! ;)
Can send you higher res scans, if you need them.
Jemiba said:
You should credit the original source, I think, not me ! ;)
Can send you higher res scans, if you need them.

Them too, obviously. :) I think the current scan resolution should be fine. Quick question, is this the book these are from? I want to make sure the citation is correct.

Also, I've been putting the captions in the pictures from the other thread through Google translate, and in this one, is it really saying they were talking about a nuclear-powered VTOL passenger jet?

Archibald said:
Hello asnys ! Welcome to the board !

Thanks. :)
asnys said:
Also, I've been putting the captions in the pictures from the other thread through Google translate, and in this one, is it really saying they were talking about a nuclear-powered VTOL passenger jet?

No. It says that a VTOL concept has been canceled early, but the text implies it was a separate concept from the nuclear propulsion.

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