French Aircraft projects 1940


ACCESS: Confidential
27 February 2008
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Long ago, late 1960's or the 1970's, an aviation magazine ran a series of the aircraft projects that the French were developing in the period leading up to WW2 and until the French surrender in 1940. The vast majority of which ceased at the time of the French surrender. Does anybody have any memory of this and which magazine these articles were in.

I think you looking for series of "French projects-1940" articles from 1970' issues of Air Pictorial. Authors were Jean Liron and Malcolm Passingham.
As far as I knew it contains 10 pages overall.
I have scans from the very bad photoscopies :cool:


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Thankyou Silencer1,

That appears to be the articles I am after. I may be able to get a hold of new copies for you as a local library list Air Pictorials of this period as being held in storage but still accessable on request. Will report back within a couple of weeks.

Thanks again

Hi, Hoo-2b-22day!

Hoo-2b-2day said:
That appears to be the articles I am after. I may be able to get a hold of new copies for you as a local library list Air Pictorials of this period as being held in storage but still accessable on request. Will report back within a couple of weeks.

I could send you all the scans I have- although it's quality are, as above demonstrated 8-( Readable, but not a pleasure for eyes. If you could find beeter copies, and share it with me - it would be great. Tahnks in advance!
Update, the library had nearly every copy of Air Pictorial except the desired editions, but as the library had included a full index for each year I was able to identify the editions I was after and brough two out of three on EBay. Still hunting the last one.

Please see post re French Projects 1940 in the appropriate folder.

Thanks again to Silencer1 for putting me on the right track.
Silencer1 said:
As far as I knew it contains 10 pages overall.
I have scans from the very bad photoscopies :cool:
Only pages 1 and 10? Or do you have the others, too?

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