Free-Flight Avro model found


Donald McKelvy
Senior Member
14 August 2009
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"Avro Arrow prototype found in Lake Ontario: expedition team"

Jeff Lagerquist,
Published Thursday, September 7, 2017 6:54PM EDT
Last Updated Thursday, September 7, 2017 7:12PM EDT


Researchers have found a test model of the iconic Avro Arrow fighter jet at the bottom of Lake Ontario, according to a group working to recover lost pieces of Canada’s aviation history.

Raise the Arrow said new sonar imagery confirmed the first discovery of an Avro Arrow free-flight model since they were abandoned in the lake nearly six decades ago. The group promised photos and video of the find will be revealed publically on Friday.

“The models were part of the design test program for the Avro Arrow at Point Petre in the mid-1950’s, and were an important step in the final design work for the Arrow,” Raise the Arrow expedition leader John Burzynski said in a media release on Thursday.

Ottawa abruptly cancelled the Avro Arrow project in 1959. All related materials, including the completed jets and production tooling, were ordered to be destroyed.

Key pieces of the project lie at the bottom of Lake Ontario, including the test models, which are about one-eighth of the size of the real jets. The models are three metres long, with a two-metre wingspan. The CF-105 Arrow measured to 24 metres tip-to-tail, with a 15-metre wingspan.

The full-sized jet was considered a massive achievement for the Canadian aviation industry. The Arrow’s delta-winged design and supersonic, near-Mach two speed put Canada on the map as a high-technology industrial force.

OEX Recovery Group, which is spearheading the Raise the Arrow project, said it started searching near Point Petre, Ont., in July.

“The work continues and we hope to make additional discoveries as the survey progresses,” Burzynski said.


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Re: Avro Arrow prototype found in Lake Ontario: expedition team

Re: Avro Arrow prototype found in Lake Ontario: expedition team

Hardly a "prototype" though.
Re: Avro Arrow prototype found in Lake Ontario: expedition team

"Search-and-Recovery of Free-Flight Avro Arrow Models from Lake Ontario"


The Canada Aviation and Space Museum is proud to support OEX Recovery Group Incorporated in a project involving the search-and-recovery of free-flight Avro Arrow models which have rested on the bottom of Lake Ontario for more than 60 years.

The CF-105 Arrow, designed and built by A.V. Roe (Avro) Canada, was a delta-winged interceptor, considered by many to be one of the greatest technological achievements in Canadian aviation history. Developed between 1953 and 1959, the Arrow was the first and last supersonic interceptor designed and built in Canada. It was fitted with innovative technologies, including a rudimentary fly-by-wire control system.

In order to meet an aggressive delivery deadline, Avro Canada adopted what is known as the Cook-Craigie production plan, which eliminates the prototype phase of development. Instead, the company focused on extensive preliminary research and model-testing. Part of this process involved the construction of eleven instrumented stainless-steel free-flight models. Nine of these were mounted on rocket boosters, and launched into Lake Ontario from a military range at Point Petre.

The Arrow program (and all those related to it) was abruptly cancelled on February 20, 1959, a day known as "Black Friday". Thousands lost their jobs as the cancellation reverberated throughout the aerospace industry. In addition, the six completed Arrow airplanes, along with materials related to their development, were ordered destroyed. The decision to cancel the program and destroy the airplanes is Canada’s best-known and most hotly debated aviation story, and remains controversial to this day.

Through a national partnership involving the Canada Aviation and Space Museum, the Royal Canadian Air Force, and the Canadian Conservation Institute, the Museum will keep the public apprised of any milestones in this search-and-recovery mission.

Stay tuned for updates on plans for conservation, preparation and public exhibition of the artifacts. Follow this exciting story as it unfolds, using the hashtag #raisethearrow, or at
Re: Avro Arrow prototype found in Lake Ontario: expedition team

The whole Avro Arrow story is the bigest self-ownage in Aviation history
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