Francis James Smith - 1947 patent application

avion ancien

The accidental peasant!
6 March 2013
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Whilst looking for something completely different, I came across the following for sale on eBay. More details are to be found at But for those who don't want to trouble with going there, the relevant text relates the following:

'PATENT SPECIFICATION No. 622,889. APPLICATION DATE: April 15, 1947. SPECIFICATION ACCEPTED: May 9, 1949. TITLE: IMPROVEMENTS RELATING TO AIRCRAFT. APPLICANT: FRANCIS JAMES SMITH of Tingley Cottage, Ripe, near Lewes, Sussex. Size: 195mmx270mm. Number of pages of text: 5. Number of pages of drawings: 2. Size of page of drawing/s: 300mmx225mm & 145mmx225mm.. Brief Description of Patent: It is an object of the present invention to provide an aircraft of heavier-than-air type in which wings are eliminated or provide only a small proportion of the lift in normal flight. The object is accomplished by the provision of an aircraft comprising a propulsive means and a rigid aerofoil...'

The drawing which is offered for sale is:


  • f.j.smith.JPG
    37.1 KB · Views: 96
Strange concept,thank you for sharing Avion.

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