For Old Glory: Northrop Nuclear Flying Wing Bomber

Goodness gracious me. The guy's at it again... and in great form. Can't wait to see the end result of this!!!
...The plan views are great, but including a perspective view would be nice as well.
I could easily make perspective views of any or all of the planes in my "planned" book...hell I could make perspective cutaways of everything. Unfortunately there is no financial justification. Cutaways are a "40 hour a pop" job by hand and perspective illustrations are only slightly less "painful" as I don't work with Maya, CAD, Cinema 4D, etc. If the publisher that expressed some "modest" interest in my book (provided I could give them sample chapters; which is contingent on the acquisition of at least a portion of the references needed) would be willing to back the amount of labor required financially then I'd go full speed ahead.

That outcome appears more unlikely as:

a. I have thus far failed to deliver on the required sample chapters

b. I am not delusional as to the likelihood of success in such a spurious field


  • 2025_BMW_SR600R_exploded.jpg
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Love the Close Air Support design. Was that a British Aerospace project? Or Bell, maybe?

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