For Old Glory: Convair F-106 Variant

I'm consistently impressed by the quality of your work, and the speed of execution :)
overscan said:
I'm consistently impressed by the quality of your work, and the speed of execution :)

Same here. It's quite remarkable!
Re: For Old Glory: Convair F-106 Variant (profile art)

prolific1 said:
Maybe I'm not awake yet but on the tail it's 59-0032, in the text under the art it's 61-2053?...

Thank you messers Overscan and Stargazer. ;D

They should prove to make good sized prints in this coffee table book idea I have as they are all 6k illustrations.

I made a separate layer for a drop tank. Am I too assume (as I have already) that said tanks would be mounted outboard of the engine nacelles?
Beautiful work Prolific1! B)

And as has been said previously, your speed is amazing.

Put me down for a copy of your book when it is ready....
prolific1 said:
I made a separate layer for a drop tank. Am I too assume (as I have already) that said tanks would be mounted outboard of the engine nacelles?

I don't imagine that there would be room for drop tanks, as the engine nacelles are already where the drop tanks were (outboard of the landing gear). Plus the cavity where the J75 was in the fuselage yields a lot of room for fuel!
8 to 10 hours to make one...depending on the amount of extrapolation needed. Unfortunately I can't make anything right now because my crappy Gateway laptop died yesterday.
That's pretty quick! I take twice as long for a 2D profile, and people told me I'm quick! Then again, I'm a bit of a 2D profile n00b, usually working in 3D instead.

What size your profiles are usually at?

Sorry to hear about your computer :( If you have content insurance for your home, it might be covered?
all my profiles are 6000x3000. I take 5 times longer for 3D cutaways though if I do it with pencil and paper and 7 times longer if I make a path illo cutaway in PSCS3.

I unfortunately don't have any insurance or the like on my apartment. It will likely be a while before I can replace my computer so I'll just have to tough it out.

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