For Northrop YF-23 Enthusiasts

fightingirish said:
Bookmarked! :)

Ditto! Great site on a most amazing machine. Didn't know about the RCS mockup still being extant and had never seen the photos of it before. Neat!

May I suggest something? To illustrate the Bibliography section a bit... A few book covers would make the page more lively.

Keep up the great work!! ;)
As a big fan of the YF-23 design, I am really enjoying the site. As I have dug a bit deeper in to it, I'm finding all sorts of unused ATF-related info. Seeing some of the concept art for the ATF proposals in books I got back in the 1980s is what realy hooked me on 'projects' in the first place. Thanks for the great site.
supacruze said:

One correction/addition: on the technical drawings page, the last item shows a concept of a vectored-thrust F-23. This was, as it turns out, *not* spurious, not term-paper-work. It is, in fact, a *Boeing* idea for using one of the YF-23 airframes to demonstrate some vectorable nozzles that they wanted to sell the USAF on. How far along Boeing got with the idea I can't say... might not have been much further than this illustration.
"This is a 3-view diagram that has been floating around the internet for some years and is downloadable off an Eastern European site. It is completely innaccurate and should be avoided."
AFAIR, it was very early drawing from some Japanese edition (not Koku-Fan)

two last YF-23 cockpit pics through glass are (c) Yuichi Yokokava
Many of the images of designs that you've attributed to Boeing and Rockwell are actually Grumman designs. They're from the 1979 issue of Aviation Week that looked at future aircraft technology.
Thanks for the feedback, guys.... I will tweak the site over the coming weeks.....
are you absolutely sure about the mixed up RFI concepts though? Because I'm pretty sure what I have is correct based on the RFI diag in Piccarillo's book.

Orion/up-ship: you gotta make the F-23A/Northrop NATF dwgs available! Now's the time! :)
Hey just thought of something....
If someone lives near the AF Museum in Ohio can you please go to the R&D Hangar and get pics of the GE YF120 that is there next to PAV-1, I have seen pics where it is sitting in there next to the YF-23 but no one seems to realise the significance of it. If you do, I'll load them up pronto!
There is a pdf flight manual for the YF-23 out on the interwebs. I didn't see any links to it on your site.
supacruze said:
Thanks for the feedback, guys.... I will tweak the site over the coming weeks.....
are you absolutely sure about the mixed up RFI concepts though? Because I'm pretty sure what I have is correct based on the RFI diag in Piccarillo's book.

Yes, they are wrong. You are mixing up designs based on a vague similarity to a very low detail top-down view in the Piccarillo book. Many of the drawings do not correspond to any RFI submission.

Grumman design ( "Advanced Design Composite Aircraft") you have listed as Boeing.
Ok guys, I have listened to your feedback and have implemented most but not all of the changes recommended. I have found some more new GE YF120 pics, and will soon upload some more pics to the walkaround section which have been kindly contributed by Sean O'Connor (SOC on this forum). Will let you know when this is done. ;)
That's a well done site, nicely designed and informative. I learned a few things about the aircraft I had not known before.

One minor observation, you said the boundary layer inlet panel was possibly made of copper. Having visited WMOF when they were in Hawthorne, I crawled all about the '23 - they didn't even have a rope around her, and I took full advantage. ;D

The inlet panel was plastic, and it is discolored, making it resemble copper. My guess would be some sort of hard urethane, as used in skateboard wheels.
Hi! It seems that this excellent site is down at the moment. Has anybody got any feedback on that? Is it going to be online again? any replacement? :-\
supacruze said:
here comes a labor of love... ;)

I know this link is very old but, clicking on the link takes you somewhere you do not want to go suggesting you download an extension. Not something I am comfortable with. Just letting you know.

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