Focke Wulf Ta-152C Rate of Roll


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26 November 2020
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Does anyone know of any actual test information showing the rate of roll data of the Focke Wulf Ta-152C, versus the Fw-190D series versus the Fw-190A series. Not opinion or conjecture, but actual test data.
Hi Mark,

Does anyone know of any actual test information showing the rate of roll data of the Focke Wulf Ta-152C, versus the Fw-190D series versus the Fw-190A series. Not opinion or conjecture, but actual test data.

Does that imply you already have test data for the Fw 190A and D? I think I've seen a bit of (Allied) roll rate test data on the Anton, but never for the Dora, so if you'd like to share that, I'd be highly interested!


Henning (HoHun)
It might be useful to correlate data from the standard and clipped win Spitfire marks, considering that the wing was clipped to improve roll rate versus the FW-190.

It might be useful to correlate data from the standard and clipped win Spitfire marks, considering that the wing was clipped to improve roll rate versus the FW-190.

Unfortunately, the evidence on that is not very clear cut, or actually rather confusing.

With the Fw 190 vs. Ta 152C, it should be more straightforward as, unlike in the case of the Spitfire, the outer wing stayed the same. However, the thread opener asked specifically for test data, and I'm afraid I haven't seen any.

It doesn't seem to have been common to test roll rate - I believe when it comes to German sources, the only test I've ever seen was one for the Me 109, and it was done by the DVL, indicating that both the manufacturer and the Luftwaffe normally didn't have much of an interest in quantifying this characteristic. (Quantified flight testing did indeed really take off only after WW2, so that's about par for the course.)


Henning (HoHun)
Hi Mark,

Does anyone know of any actual test information showing the rate of roll data of the Focke Wulf Ta-152C, versus the Fw-190D series versus the Fw-190A series. Not opinion or conjecture, but actual test data.

Does that imply you already have test data for the Fw 190A and D? I think I've seen a bit of (Allied) roll rate test data on the Anton, but never for the Dora, so if you'd like to share that, I'd be highly interested!


Henning (HoHun)

Check this out, may help.
Hi Mark,

Check this out, may help.

Thanks for the links! Any report on there in particular I could check for roll rate data?


Henning (HoHun)


  • NACA 868 roll rate chart.jpg
    NACA 868 roll rate chart.jpg
    199.7 KB · Views: 10

It's quite interesting, but it's also a bit of an odd collection of not so well referenced data points. The Spitfire data for example is somewhat puzzling, as in tests with installed vs. removed wing tips on the same airframes, the conclusion was that clipped wings provided:

"(i) A small increase in the rate of roll of aircraft with originally poor ailerons, but little effect on aircraft with good ailerons.
(ii) A slight increase in speed at heights below about 20,000 ft."

As they came with a number of disadvantages, mostly concerned with turn and high-altitude performance, the recommendation was not to remove the wing tips from Spitfire aircraft, which went against the original suggestion of removing the wing tips from all Spitfire XII aircraft, specifically.


Henning (HoHun)


  • spitfire-effect-of-clipping-wings-1943.PDF
    335.5 KB · Views: 5
Thank you HoHun, appreciate it. Supposedly the rate of roll was reduced in the D9, but I've read pilot comments stating that there was no noticeable difference. Kurt Tank said during the war and after, that the average pilot didn't know how to fly the 190 to exploit it's strengths (rate of roll, etc.)

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