Focke Wulf 189 "Uhu" high quality Picture found

Michel Van

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
13 August 2007
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there found 30 high quality B/W Picture from Focke Wulf 189 "Uhu" during mission
made by one of his crewmember during WW2 (Eastfront summer of 1942 or 1943.)
the Picture are a sensation because of the good quality
sadly the photographer is unknown

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"Uhu" was NOT the Fw 189, it was the He 219!


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I am at work now, but according to a recent issue of "Fana de L`aviation" (can`t remember which number ), the He219 was not called "Uhu". It was branded after the war was over.
Browsing through the net, you'll find the name "Uhu" (eagle owl) for BOTH, but I'm not
sure, if you can find them for just one of them in official documents. Most names for
german military aircraft were unofficial at best and as Wurger wrote, many were just
given post war. For the Fw 189 you can find, too, the name "Fliegendes Auge" (flying
eye). And often those names were a kinf of description, or should described the charac-
teristics of a type, so "Uhu" probably was found to be appropriate for both: Sharp sighted
(reconnaissance) and hunting at night (night fighter).

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