Flying Fishy


ACCESS: Top Secret
26 September 2006
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Watching a documentary on QAnon recently, I thought that a thread on deliberately deceptive designs and disinformation might be interesting. This ranges from psyops to scams. I suppose a sort of taxonomy could be devised that would frame the content.

First, what I don't mean:

Genuinely misunderstood projects. E.g., the MiG-25. Thought by Western analysts to be an air-superiority fighter, it was actually a very specialised interceptor. The Soviets apparently thought that the shuttle could be used to bomb Moscow.

Black projects. Aurora et al. Highly secret with extensive mythologies around them that may or may not exist. Likewise Nazi wonderweapons. They're discussed elsewhere.

Pranks, April Fools' Day etc. They're meant to be unveilled as hoaxes and exist only to amuse.

Cranks and cults. UFOs, perpetual motion machines etc.

'Hmmm, that's funny...' Rather than 'Eureka!' most scientific discoveries start with intriguing discrepancies in the data - and so do many failures. Examples include cold fusion and the EM drive. Resources are devoted to investigating them, but if they're wrong, the mistake was sincere. No conspiracy theories about how they really worked and were covered up please.

Spherical cows. Mathematically perfect, but zero thought given to real world engineering. I remember coming across a 'Single-Stage-to-Saturn' spaceplane design somewhere. Apparently it was made of unobtainium and the fusion engine was perfectly efficient with no waste heat. Again, sincerely mistaken or simply thought experiments. I would include warp drives and wormholes in this category. Thought experiments have been great generators of ideas in science that have gone on to have more tangible applications, but these are distant from the thought experiment itself. For example, Albert Einstein imagining what it would be like to ride a beam of light led to special and then general relativity, which have had real applications.

Money pits and price gouging. There's an F-35 NEWS ONLY thread for a reason.

What I do mean:

Dr Strangelove, I presume? Actually these might have worked, but there was a lot of opportunism and skullduggery involved. Prime example: Gerald Bull. Now there's a story!

Acme Corporation. Starts off with probably sincere intentions, but when technical problems mount and the money runs out, rather than shutting up shop, people get desperate and start telling a few little fibs, then giant porkies or selling coke to keep the investors paying until all the bugs are ironed out. There are many, many examples of this. SPAC seems to be the latest means of grabbing quick money for troubled projects. There's a fuzzy boundary where this shades into outright fraud. In motor vehicles, Faraday Future and Nikola have been known to indulge in a few misrepresentations and are now chasing SPAC for funding. De Lorean and the cocaine dealing certainly counts. Mars One too, perhaps. Almost certainly a lot of eVTOL companies. The interesting narrative for me here is the transition from idealistic dreamer to crook.

Hold out your hats and let the money fall in. OK, I'm on thin ice here by implying fraudulent behaviour. Let's call it symbiosis. A department has to spend its budget or lose it, so certain opportunists circle about and give PowerPoints with a design that isn't even half-baked. They don't even have the ingredients, but they did get a retired and bored engineer to say it looks cool. Look! Here's the website! <Cough> Exosonic? <cough>

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. 'Whoopee! We've got this great source of intelligence! Oh shit...' In the early days of stealth, nobody knew what the 'stealth fighter' would look like, or the bomber. Curvaceous speculative designs started turning up. Some at least seem to have been deliberately promulgated to throw spies off the trail that led to the actual angular designs. Plenty of examples, since deception, concealment and diversion are key to the art of war.

Outright scams. Pretty obviously intended to separate fools from their money with no intention of producing anything. Compared to others, these are almost boring.

Red mercury. My favourite. A scam on the crooks. It seemed so attractive to illicit arms dealers and governments trying to get around embargoes on WMDs. It looks like someone was trying and perhaps succeeding in making a killing by selling them something that looked like it might give them an edge. Probably in the last days of the Soviet Union a few officers and soon-to-be oligarchs might have been offering the odd nuclear weapon for sale. Nukes however are real, while red mercury is the direct descendent of alchemical gold.

Please, please, pretty please with a cherry on top, do NOT allege criminal behaviour where no charges have been reasonably proven. We've all been told about copyright and intellectual property. Similar principles apply for libel and defamation. Don't be like Rudy.
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Any tram driver would have immediately known that stupid thing was a scam.

There's always That One Car that steadfastly refuses to move off the tracks or refrain from diving in front of the tram as it travels in a vain effort to assert dominance while pretending it was about saving a few seconds. The TEB itself can also block cars from taking exits or merging onto roadways it's traveling on with its sidewalls. Lastly, it's an ugly ridiculous piece of crap whose style is more than enough for gulag.

There's hardly any projects I feel outright hostility toward, but this is one of them.
Consider me somewhat sceptical.


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That superyachts site is making me feel like I need to get my eyes checked. That's the worst low-contrast pinner-joint font problem I've encountered in a number of years.

Also that boat looks absolutely pants. Wait, it's nuclear!?
That superyachts site is making me feel like I need to get my eyes checked. That's the worst low-contrast pinner-joint font problem I've encountered in a number of years.

Also that boat looks absolutely pants. Wait, it's nuclear!?
"On schedule" to open in 2012!

One can joke about the rockets being fuelled by Kool-Aid I suppose, but I am genuinely intrigued by the motivations behind projects like this. On one hand, think of all the seemingly fanciful schemes concocted by real engineers like Werner von Braun and the British Interplanetary Society several decades ago as thought experiments that now look genuinely prescient. On the other, you have people with no expertise looking for investment from other people who also have no expertise. From some angles and with enough ignorance, the line between a dream and a scam looks very thin.



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Watching a documentary on QAnon recently, I thought that a thread on deliberately deceptive designs and disinformation might be interesting. This ranges from psyops to scams. I suppose a sort of taxonomy could be devised that would frame the content.

First, what I don't mean:

Genuinely misunderstood projects. E.g., the MiG-25. Thought by Western analysts to be an air-superiority fighter, it was actually a very specialised interceptor. The Soviets apparently thought that the shuttle could be used to bomb Moscow.

Black projects. Aurora et al. Highly secret with extensive mythologies around them that may or may not exist. Likewise Nazi wonderweapons. They're discussed elsewhere.

Pranks, April Fools' Day etc. They're meant to be unveilled as hoaxes and exist only to amuse.

Cranks and cults. UFOs, perpetual motion machines etc.

'Hmmm, that's funny...' Rather than 'Eureka!' most scientific discoveries start with intriguing discrepancies in the data - and so do many failures. Examples include cold fusion and the EM drive. Resources are devoted to investigating them, but if they're wrong, the mistake was sincere. No conspiracy theories about how they really worked and were covered up please.

Spherical cows. Mathematically perfect, but zero thought given to real world engineering. I remember coming across a 'Single-Stage-to-Saturn' spaceplane design somewhere. Apparently it was made of unobtainium and the fusion engine was perfectly efficient with no waste heat. Again, sincerely mistaken or simply thought experiments. I would include warp drives and wormholes in this category. Thought experiments have been great generators of ideas in science that have gone on to have more tangible applications, but these are distant from the thought experiment itself. For example, Albert Einstein imagining what it would be like to ride a beam of light led to special and then general relativity, which have had real applications.

Money pits and price gouging. There's an F-35 NEWS ONLY thread for a reason.

What I do mean:

Dr Strangelove, I presume? Actually these might have worked, but there was a lot of opportunism and skullduggery involved. Prime example: Gerald Bull. Now there's a story!

Acme Corporation. Starts off with probably sincere intentions, but when technical problems mount and the money runs out, rather than shutting up shop, people get desperate and start telling a few little fibs, then giant porkies or selling coke to keep the investors paying until all the bugs are ironed out. There are many, many examples of this. SPAC seems to be the latest means of grabbing quick money for troubled projects. There's a fuzzy boundary where this shades into outright fraud. In motor vehicles, Faraday Future and Nikola have been known to indulge in a few misrepresentations and are now chasing SPAC for funding. De Lorean and the cocaine dealing certainly counts. Mars One too, perhaps. Almost certainly a lot of eVTOL companies. The interesting narrative for me here is the transition from idealistic dreamer to crook.

Hold out your hats and let the money fall in. OK, I'm on thin ice here by implying fraudulent behaviour. Let's call it symbiosis. A department has to spend its budget or lose it, so certain opportunists circle about and give PowerPoints with a design that isn't even half-baked. They don't even have the ingredients, but they did get a retired and bored engineer to say it looks cool. Look! Here's the website! <Cough> Exosonic? <cough>

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. 'Whoopee! We've got this great source of intelligence! Oh shit...' In the early days of stealth, nobody knew what the 'stealth fighter' would look like, or the bomber. Curvaceous speculative designs started turning up. Some at least seem to have been deliberately promulgated to throw spies off the trail that led to the actual angular designs. Plenty of examples, since deception, concealment and diversion are key to the art of war.

Outright scams. Pretty obviously intended to separate fools from their money with no intention of producing anything. Compared to others, these are almost boring.

Red mercury. My favourite. A scam on the crooks. It seemed so attractive to illicit arms dealers and governments trying to get around embargoes on WMDs. It looks like someone was trying and perhaps succeeding in making a killing by selling them something that looked like it might give them an edge. Probably in the last days of the Soviet Union a few officers and soon-to-be oligarchs might have been offering the odd nuclear weapon for sale. Nukes however are real, while red mercury is the direct descendent of alchemical gold.

Please, please, pretty please with a cherry on top, do NOT allege criminal behaviour where no charges have been reasonably proven. We've all been told about copyright and intellectual property. Similar principles apply for libel and defamation. Don't be like Rudy.

I found so many of them doing extensive research for my TL...

Two well-known examples from the 80's

- Teller and Lowell Wood Excalibur laser

- Tony Dupont pitch to DARPA that kickstarted the X-30 / Orient Express enchillada.

In both cases: overhyped and fraudulent, disingenous claims by two megalomaniac frauds. And in both case, it worked superbly for an entire decade, wasting billions and billions (to you, Carl Sagan).

I would say that ABM research and ICBM basing had a knack to result in truly whacky schemes.
I could mention at least a dozen of utterly insane ideas that left me scratching my head and just thinking "Shirley, they couldn't be serious". But surely they were, dead serious.

At the beginning I thought it was an isolated case called Edward Teller. Since then I realized he churned "baby Tellers" all the way from the 50's to the 90's when Cold War ended a lot of madness by removing the Soviets as a practical foe to justify insane concepts.

Norman Spinrad in his novel Russian Spring nailed it perfectly

One story that Rob Post had told him years ago, when Jerry was a sophomore in high school and the Program was still called the “Strategic Defense Initiative,” told it all.

“I was sitting around half-crocked at a party with a bunch of aerospace engineers, and they were all bullshitting about the contracts their companies were landing for
SDI studies. X-ray lasers powered by fusion devices, orbital mirrors, rail-guns, the whole ball of wax. Hey, I said, thinking I was being funny, what about a tachyon-beam weapon? Sits up there in orbit and waits for the Russkies to launch, and then sends tachyon beams back in time and zaps their birds on the pads twenty minutes earlier. Some of the guys laughed, but a couple of them working for Lockheed get this weird look on their faces. Yeah, one of them says, I think we could get about 20 milllion for a preliminary study. And about a year later, I find out that they actually did. The Pentagon put about 100 million dollars into it before they realized they were being had.”​

"Let's build a particle canon which energy will come from draining the Great Lakes for a single shot"

"Let's nuke the Moon to flipp the Soviets and tell them "mine is bigger"

"Let's turn Greenland icecap into swiss cheese, putting cut down Minuteman into ice holes"

"Let's build a nuclear ramjet cruise missile to kill people with sonic booms, radiations, nuclear bombs, and the missile itself crashing down with its red-hot glowing ruined reactor"

"Let's hollow a granite Sierra mountain and turn it into the ultimate hyper-mega-super-ultra-hardened ICBM silo"

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