"Flying airplanes is too complicated, here's how Skyryse is changing that"


ACCESS: Top Secret
28 June 2012
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Just saw this, hmm ... interesting.

(also interesting are the Robinson helos featured, for more about them, https://www.robinsonheli.com/)

Jun 13, 2024
Technology has simplified so much in our lives, but helicopters and airplanes remain massively complicated to operate. This technology gap has caused a barrier to entry for aspiring pilots, and is a causal factor in many aviation accidents.

Skyryse created SkyOS to make flying any aircraft more simple and more safe. To aid the pilot in their decision-making and condense countless instruments, dials, and mechanisms into two touchscreen interfaces. The above video offers some insight into our company journey: how we started, what we've created, and where we're going.

In 2017, Skyryse flew the first full-scale unmanned VTOL and debuted a 4-axis control stick in simulation.

In 2019, we performed an automated helicopter hover. And have evolved this technology to "Hover Assist", which lets pilots take off and remain in a constant hover without using pedals or flight controls.

In 2020, Skyryse introduced a touchscreen interface to make flying by your fingertips as intuitive as manipulating flight controls by hand.

In 2023, we demonstrated the world's first fully-automated helicopter autorotation all the way down to the ground, a feature never seen in general aviation and is sure to save countless lives.

Now in 2024, we have unveiled Skyryse One, the first production aircraft powered entirely by SkyOS. With two touch screen interfaces and a single joystick, Skyryse One is the first completely modern helicopter.

While we are excited about the Skyryse One, this is just the beginning for our company. SkyOS can power any helicopter, airplane, or aircraft of the future. It is truly a universal operating system that we believe will revolutionize and advance the safety of general aviation.

That is fly-by-wire’s ultimate goal—but the more a craft is connected to a computer—the less it is connected to the pilot.

Complex linkages and such allow the pilot’s rump to be the ultimate sensor, I would think.
Complex linkages and such allow the pilot’s rump to be the ultimate sensor, I would think.

Except that as with any sensor, the pilot's body can give false indications,
(bold done by me)

Physiology Of Spatial Orientation

Rachel K. Meeks; Jackie Anderson; Paul M. Bell.
Author Information and Affiliations

Last Update: August 14, 2023.
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Aviation-associated spatial disorientation, as described by Benson, occurs when “the pilot fails to sense correctly the position, motion, or attitude of his aircraft or of himself within the fixed coordinate system provided by the surface of the Earth and the gravitational vertical.” In other words, spatial orientation is the natural ability to maintain body orientation and/or posture in relation to one's environment while at rest and during motion. Humans are naturally designed to maintain orientation while on the ground in a two-dimensional environment. Aviation incorporates a three-dimensional environment and can lead to sensory conflicts, making orientation difficult or even impossible to maintain. Spatial disorientation is a phenomenon that is well known to aviators, but it remains unclearly defined and continues to be one of largest causes of aviation mishaps.


Conditions that make spatial disorientation more likely include instrument flight conditions, night vision goggle flights, unaided night flight, and excessive-G flight. But spatial disorientation can occur during any type of flight.

The following are sensory system physiology, pertinent anatomy, and some of the more common aviation-related types of illusions:

My father and his father were each pilots for a season of their lives, but they are no longer available to converse about this with.

Reducing pilot workload in helos is a thing.

And has been looked at for some time, for example,


A flight control design methodology for alleviating pilot workload during helicopter shipboard operations was developed and tested in simulation. The methodology uses modern MIMO control theory to improve gust rejection properties when operating in a turbulent ship airwake. The spectral properties of the airwake are identified using simulations and incorporated into the control synthesis process. The controller design is constrained to represent a limited authority SAS. Model order reduction methods are used to simply the control laws for practical implementation. The methodology was applied to design a modified SAS for the UH-60A operating over an LHA ship. The system was implemented in a high-fidelity simulation model and its performance was compared to that of the baseline SAS. Simulations were performed of the helicopter hovering in the turbulent airwake using a pilot model for two different wind-over-deck conditions. Results indicate that the modified SAS resulted in significantly lower control activity and angular motion of the aircraft. Advanced Rotorcraft Technology, Inc.
Original language
English (US)
Pages (from-to)
Number of pages
Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International
Published - 2006
AHS Internaitonal 62nd Annual Forum - Phoenix, AZ, United States
Duration: May 9 2006 → May 11 2006


Putting the pilot first

Publishing Details
4 Jan 2023
Editorial Team
Featured in Issue 134 | January 2023

Avionics upgrades are key to safer, more effective rescue missions, so AirMed&Rescue spoke to industry experts about the remarkable advancements in helicopter technology and what could be in the pipeline

Air medical rescues are mostly covered by medium twin-engine helicopters, operated by either governmental or private companies. In some cases, larger helicopters are used. In Western countries, most of these are less than 20 years old and equipped with a glass cockpit. So, with avionics and sensors on aircraft always being lined up for upgrades, what are the limitations and future developments?
I guess we live in a deliberately self dumbing (and note that the autocorrect function offered me the choices of "numbing, dumping, dubbing, plumbing") down civilization - pilots/drivers relying more and more on automated functions - what could possibly go wrong...
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That is fly-by-wire’s ultimate goal—but the more a craft is connected to a computer—the less it is connected to the pilot.

Complex linkages and such allow the pilot’s rump to be the ultimate sensor, I would think.

Which is why the Osprey is awful without a lot of computer assisted flight controls. The slightest tailwind will make you fall out of the sky. The transition between hover process should be completely automated.
Pfft pilots like Mick Mannock didn't need no fancy avionics, just a stick and blip switch and good old control wires.

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