Florov-Isayev "Aircraft 4302" rocket-propelled prototype


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
3 September 2006
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I'm not sure about what is "little known", here. ;D I am always amazed by the amount of collective knowledge.

Anyway, here goes: As Russian (Soviet, really) obscure planes, I have this Florov 4302 Rocket propelled prototype.

(it probably belongs in the post-war section: Even though design started in 1943, 1st flight was in 1946)


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The Florov '4302', built by Isayev and Dushkin (beautiful color three-view is from Avico Press):


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by the way,the Florov 4302 No.3 was also called 4303.
What is the aircraft in lower left of these drawings ?.


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What is the aircraft in lower left of these drawings ?.


To increase safety and reliability, it was decided before the research to build and test unmanned reduced model aircraft in real flight. In the short term, this model, which received the "6" index, was created at plant number 293 in conjunction with the TsAGI SEZ (head of the design bureau, VA Kuznetsov). The model was made to scale 1: 2,75, equipped with a liquid-propellant rocket engine U-400-10 with a kilogram 400, designed by Isaev. For flight control, the AP-14 autopilot was used.

The "6" model was suspended from a Tu-2 bomber and climbed 9 thousand meters, after which it was dropped, and in a straight-line free flight with a working jet engine had to develop supersonic speed. By calculation, the speed should have been M = 1,225. For registration of flight parameters, the model was equipped with recording equipment. For landing after the engine was completed, there was a rather complicated automatic parachute system, including successively manufactured wing brake parachutes. After them, a tail parachute (1 m2 area) and the main parachute (100 m2 area) were produced.


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