
I really should change my personal text
11 January 2015
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AFAIK in the late 80's the British Army had a project to make a top attack TOW variant: Fully Improved TOW. Does anyone know anything about it?


I believe it was actually Further Improved TOW. It was a retrofit with two downward firing self-forging projectile warheads, a proximity fuze, and a modified guidance system to elevate the flight path above the target. It's mentioned here:
That sounds like the TOW 2B

In September 1987, Hughes was awarded a development contract for the BGM-71FTOW 2B, which eventually entered service in 1992, after limited production had begun in 1990. The main new feature is the Overflight Top Attack (OTA) capability. The TOW 2B has a completely redesigned nose section, which includes two downward sequentially fired tantalum EFP (Explosive Formed Projectile) warheads, and an active dual-mode (optical laser/magnetic sensor) fuze. The laser and magnetic fuze work together to detect the height profile and the large metal mass of a tank, detonating the warheads exactly above the target. The guidance system is also updated, flying the missile at a preset height above the operator's line of sight, so that the latter can still point his cross-hairs directly at the target. The BGM-71F does not replace but supplement the BGM-71E.

Similar, but FITOW was a Thorn EMI/Royal Ordnance product and was a retrofit kit for existing missiles. I think TOW 2B was all new builds, though I wouldn't swear to it.
You are right
Further Improved TOW (FITOW)Similar to TOW 2B, but funded by the British Ministry of Defense. It has a Thorn-EMI proximity fuze and smaller warhead than TOW 2B. The FITOW featured an active laser fuze, two downward firing self-forging warheads and guidance changes to enable top attacks against heavily armored vehicles. Thorn-EMI is prime contractor with Royal Ordnance, Westland Helicopters and GM-Hughes Electronics.The missile was announced in 1988 and entered production in late 1991. In 1994, the FITOW entered British Army Air Corps service, fitted to Lynx AH7 helicopters.

More info here:

Thanks Gents

In 1994, the FITOW entered British Army Air Corps service, fitted to Lynx AH7 helicopters.

Maybe I missed it but where did you find that quote?


That quote comes from here:

Sometimes, such sources are wrong, but poking around on AARSE and PPRUNE finds people remembering FITOW in service, so I think this is accurate.
Thanks Tom

I too did some poking around on various fora and found ex service personnel recalling the missile being in service

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