Fictional Firearms

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ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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Most TV and Film productions use real weapons or modify them like the Sterling SMGs in Star Wars.
Now and again, however, a show decides to make its own props.
In 1970 Gerry Anderson released his live action series "UFO" set in a fictional 1980 where a secret organisation called SHADO battled aliens from outer space.
Amongst the kit designed and made for the show were these two assault rifles.
One is for use on Earth, the other in Space.


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United States Colonial Marines M41A Pulse Rifle:

USCM M56 Smart Gun:

United States Marine Corp M590 Assault Rifle:

Westinghouse M95A1 Phased Plasma Rifle:
Starship Troopers 1997.Morita MK II.


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From my 'Convention' tales...
"The Convention 'BiGun' was originally developed to protect small communities against Anwyc bio-raiders. A combination of carbine and snake-gun, its 'engagement envelope' suited point-defence and in-fighting. There was a lighter version, as also met above. A heavier version, crafted for the Convention's Aerospace Marine Corps but adopted with glee by the Felinoid, wookie-sized Sanku, was indeed known as a 'Bolter'.

"Neither pistol nor SMG, skeet, sawn-off or 'long-gun', the design was oft-lambasted by weapon gurus, but its reliable delivery of 'serious hurt' was uncontested..."
"Finally, lurking in one of the 'emergency' lockers, I had a 'Bi-Gun'. I dug out its two-foot case, broke the seals, and spread the beast on the table. It was a dual-barrelled gun with odd-sized bores. The left was a 0.22, the right 0.75. The 'Bi-Gun' had a dozen slugs, five shells in its fat stock, could take a magazine of each clipped underneath. They'd packed 100 carbine rounds and fifty shells. Half of those were 'bio-degrade' scatter-shot, the rest were soft 'Bear-Stops' with tungsten cores.

"I'd fired Bi-Guns on the range and I hated them. The carbine was too short for fine shooting, too long 'from the hip', too slow for a burp gun. The cannon was too short for skeet, too long for a scatter gun and slower again. The smooth outline was designed not to snag, the auto-load would never, ever jam of cold, heat, wet, dust or high vacuum, but the balance was perverse, the hand-holds odd, and the cannon always kicked like an angry mule.

"I sighed, took it apart and checked for fluff. The Bi-Gun had a Spacer seal, and it was certainly clean. It swallowed, disgorged shells and slugs without a qualm. I switched from stock to clip and back and any-way, six times. I still had doubts. I re-read the instructions. I gauged every round. I refilled stock and clips by touch alone. I learned how to load each breech with single shots. Then I put my mind to what to load with what. The carbine side was easy: All it took. That pair of clips held fifteen rounds apiece. The other needed theory I'd not got.

"I thought awhile, then filled the stock with scatter-shot, two clips with Bear-Stop. I selected the shot. Even if I was rushed, the blast would sting. And if that didn't deter, it should at least buy time for me to aim..."
'Minimal Force'
I collapsed the clumsy but effective chameleon cape into its pack pouch. Now I could reach more than my nape-holstered knives and dart pistol. I eased my Bi-Gun from its 'racquet' hold. You could never call this weapon elegant or neat. I liked the bulky, ugly beast for its utility. The big stock's basic load was 5 fat scatter shells plus 20 slim 6-mm carbine rounds. Their cubit, side by side barrels were meant for point defence and in-fighting. They could take two long magazines, clipped underneath, but I'd other plans.

I slipped a massive, tungsten round from its loop, thumbed the 'Bear Stop' into the left breech. I lowered the Bi-Gun's bipod, checked the laser sight worked. 'LOBO ready, Kym. Start your run.'

'Take care, Peter. If you are disabled before targeting the Turbot, I must abort.'
United States Colonial Marines M41A Pulse Rifle:

USCM M56 Smart Gun:

United States Marine Corp M590 Assault Rifle:

Westinghouse M95A1 Phased Plasma Rifle:

The M41a looks like the bastard offspring of an M1 Thompson and a SPAS-12, the M56 is clearly an MG42 which got fused with an electric bicycle, and the M95 seems to be a calico carbine with an industrial transformer station glued to the top.. the m590.. no idea.. some kind of california-legal molding. Fun fiction based on fact.
The M41a looks like the bastard offspring of an M1 Thompson and a SPAS-12, the M56 is clearly an MG42 which got fused with an electric bicycle, and the M95 seems to be a calico carbine with an industrial transformer station glued to the top..

Other than "motorcycle" rather than "bicycle," those are correct.

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