Ferry Rocket, Star Clipper, Astrorocket articles


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5 April 2006
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Old-school APR articles now available for download for dirt cheap.
Ferry Rocket, $1.80: http://up-ship.com/blog/?p=5956

Star Clipper, $4.70: http://up-ship.com/blog/?p=5960

Astrorocket, $3.10: http://up-ship.com/blog/?p=5961
I'll order in the evening. Any chances of GRM-29A (many will second this request?)
flateric said:
I'll order in the evening. Any chances of GRM-29A (many will second this request?)

Check the comments here: http://up-ship.com/blog/?p=5707
I posted the list of old APR articles and asked "who wants which," with 1 (one) article from each old-school APR to be re-released. I added up the votes, and posted the results. The articles will be released in order. There were a few surprises (to me, at any rate).
Dyna Soar, Lunar Gemini, SSTO articles

Todays batch:
Dyna Soar model 844-2050E: http://up-ship.com/blog/?p=5967


Lunar missions with Gemini: http://up-ship.com/blog/?p=5969


Boeing SSTO designs, 1988: http://up-ship.com/blog/?p=5971

Ahhh...what could have been. (tisk, tisk) If not for the buffoonery at the top of the Sourceinterlink stink media magnate...it could have been a reality. Instead they chose to sink the company into chapter 11...and burn me for upwards of $1150. :mad:


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At Prolific, that sucks man. All I gotta say is "cabrones!" They owe you.

at Scott, Keep 'em coming. Got the last 3 and I'm happy. BUT, since we're all clamoring for the GRM-29A, I'd say just to save the best for last. In the meantime, surprise us all.

I built a 90 page prototype for my pitch to them among other outlets. No takers. I might refurb it a bit and try again on Mr. Blam's behalf in the future if the magazine world improves.
prolific1 said:
I built a 90 page prototype for my pitch to them among other outlets. No takers. I might refurb it a bit and try again on Mr. Blam's behalf in the future if the magazine world improves.

In retrospect, I think the problems with your prototype were:
1) Not enough blow-in cards
2) It was missing the standard 50 or so pages of ads for drugs, makeup, excercise equipment and cheap electronic crap
3) Not near enough articles about Paris Hilton or the Kardashians (that's my fault, I admit it)

{Attempt at sad humor OFF}

Seriously... Prolific's reworking of the rather bland APR format into something with some visual appeal really seemed quite professional. Anybody thinking of putting together a magazine or a book for release through something like Magcloud, you might want to give him a call and see what he can do for you.
Actually I was going to include the ads. I was trying to make them see that it WAS indeed a magazine.


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You forgot Lady Gaga and the frikkin Jersey Shore cast. See!!! This what being around a bunch of frakkin 18 and 19 olds all damn day does to you. :'(
XP67_Moonbat said:
You forgot Lady Gaga

Haven't figured out yet whether she's crazy or genius. She *looks* crazy, but she's raking in the cash. Plus, by being known strictly for looking bizarro, if she wanted to wander around regualr society without a lot of people going bonkers, she'd probably only need to dress like a normal person and wear some sunglasses.

and the frikkin Jersey Shore cast.

Ugh. Whenever I see them, or someone of their same "culture," I feel like punching babies dead in the face just to make sure they won't grow up to be another astonishingly shallow guido or guidette.
I think that's mostly just business.
Bell X-15, Martin Spacemaster, Boeing Super Clippers

Todays batch (which can be purchased here: http://www.up-ship.com/eAPR/articles.htm)
Bell X-15 proposal, D-171 (by Dennis R. Jenkins)

Martin "Spacemaster" early shuttle concept

Boeing Super Clippers (both 1930's and 1990's)
MUSTARD, Sea Dragon, AMLLV articles

Now available (here: http://www.up-ship.com/eAPR/articles.htm):

MUSTARD: $1.80

Sea Dragon: $4.90

Boeing Advanced Multipurpose Large Launch Vehicle: $2.90
wonderful Articles B)
and again typical Scott Lowther service
you Pay, 10 min later you can download :D
GRM-29A, SERV, Spacejet, Sov Seaplane Bomber articles

And this is the last of them. All downloadable here:

McDonnell Douglas GRM-29A, only $1.30:

Chrysler SERV, $2.40:

Soviet Seaplane Jet Bombers, $5.40:

Spacejet, $2.40:

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