Actually, both shown methods, the telescopic rotor and the stoppable, retractable rotor
were much en vogue during the '60s/'70s, as can be seen by these two projects from
Sud Aviation from 1969. The compound features a telescopic rotor, that is foldable into the
stoppable hub (!), which then would form kind of a wing, turning the aircraft into a bi-wing.
The Rotojet has a stoppable rotor, which would have to be lowered for stowage after stopping,
similar to the Marchetti project, and here, too, the usable cabin space probably would have
been decreased.
As so many companies thought of such concepts, there probably were at least some wind tunnel
test rigs to elaborate such mechanisms ? Any development programs about such rotors done by
NASA or ONERA ? Haven't found anything still yet, but maybe someone else ?