Faster than Real Time Computational Fluid Dynamics


ACCESS: Top Secret
1 June 2019
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Computing technology have recently reached the point of faster than real time CFD is feasible and it is now marketed:
Perhaps the applications ought to be be discussed:

Scientists at NETL simulated combustion in a powerplant using both a Cerebras CS-1 and the Joule supercomputer, which has 84,000 CPU cores and consumes 450 kilowatts. By comparison, Cerebras runs on about 20 kilowatts.

The wafer scale CS-1 is the first ever system to demonstrate sufficient performance to simulate over a million fluid cells faster than real time. This means that when the CS-1 is used to simulate a power plant based on data about its present operating conditions, it can tell you what is going to happen in the future faster than the laws of physics produce that same result. (Of course, the CS-1 consumes power to do this, whereas the powerplant generates power.)

Faster than real-time model-based control is one of many exciting new applications that becomes possible with this kind of performance. Beyond a threshold, speed is not just less time to a result, but actually provides whole new operating paradigms.


The application to aircraft is self evident, and the question on what kind of insane performance and designs is possible when airflow can be computed in real time (with combination of suitable sensors).

Perhaps what is needed is a simulations of a system performance of a system with with simulation capability to see what kind of performance is possible. (This sounds like someone's research project....if they could get hold of the compute required)

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