Farewell Tony Scott

Michel Van

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
13 August 2007
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Tony Scott, director of such Hollywood hits like Top Gun, Man on Fire, Deja vu, Enemy of the State
Commit suicide, by jumping of Los Angeles County bridge.

My deepest condolences to the family Scott.
Inoperable brain tumour, allegedly.

Watched Crimson Tide in his honour last night, man made some very good films.
this more tragic, because the third brother, Frank Scott died 1980 because of cancer
The family has denied the cancer report.

To show that there's no limit to what some people will do, somebody is peddling a video of the jump to various gossip/"news" outlets.
George Allegrezza said:
The family has denied the cancer report.

To show that there's no limit to what some people will do, somebody is peddling a video of the jump to various gossip/"news" outlets.

Shrug. Assume you had been somewhere in full view of the events, with a video camera at hand. Would you have shot it? I suspect most people would. Now you have a video of someone throwing themselves off a bridge. Within a few hours you find out that that someone was a Famous Someone, and that your video is probably worth good money. What do you do? I suspect most people would try to get money for it.

It's like a plane crash. When I look up and see a jetliner fly over, I don't want to see its wings snap off and the fuselage plummet into a mountainside. But if I *did* see that, I'd want to have my camera at hand.
Too bad...

Goodbye Tony and thanks for Top Gun, it marked my 18's.....
Triton said:
I understand that he and Tom Cruise were developing, researching for, Top Gun 2 on the day before he took his life.

Dear God, no, say it's not true. Top Gun was a good film for its day, but I really don't think we need a sequel after this length of time. Especially not one with Tom Cruise.

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