F-4ej kai Hud symbology


ACCESS: Restricted
22 July 2022
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Hello there,
I'm a rookie here and It's the first time that I'm posting a thread in SP. So I'm sorry for my bad english and please accept my apologizes if I post the thread in the wrong section of the SP forum.

My question is about f-4ej kai of jasdf. Does anybody know about it's Hud symbology?
The radar display unit is the same with f-16a, on the other hand weapon control panel of the japanese phantom looks so similar to the f-15a and early f-15c.

So what do you think? The Hud symbology of f-4ej kai similar to f-16a or f-15a?

Thank you in advance
It seems nobody loves rookies here.
It hadn't occurred to me that people could be so insensitive, rude, and inconsiderate that they wouldn't bother to give an answer.
@Gotveda : posting pictures can greatly help us all figuring out quickly if we've got the right answers.

Have you any f4ej cockpit view related to your question?
It seems nobody loves rookies here.
It hadn't occurred to me that people could be so insensitive, rude, and inconsiderate that they wouldn't bother to give an answer.

Speaking of rude and inconsiderate...

1) This is a really obscure question, and people may just not actually know the answer off hand.
2) You're not actually entitled to other people's time and effort to do the research.
3) It helps to provide all the info you already have, as Tomcat suggested.
4) Four days isn't a long time to wait. We have threads that didn't get replies for months, until someone just happened to find the info and remember the existence of the question.
Hello there,
I'm a rookie here and It's the first time that I'm posting a thread in SP. So I'm sorry for my bad english and please accept my apologizes if I post the thread in the wrong section of the SP forum.

My question is about f-4ej kai of jasdf. Does anybody know about it's Hud symbology?
The radar display unit is the same with f-16a, on the other hand weapon control panel of the japanese phantom looks so similar to the f-15a and early f-15c.

So what do you think? The Hud symbology of f-4ej kai similar to f-16a or f-15a?

Thank you in advance
The HUD on the F-4EJ Kai is an export version of the Kaiser 808, according to Janes. The device is fairly similar to the HUD in the German AlphaJet, but seems to differ slightly in symbology.

So no, it's really not similar to the F-16A or F-15A, bar sharing some basic symbols.

Symbology for the F-4EJ Kai as written in 航空自衛隊 F-4マニアックス:

Symbology for the AlphaJet in NAV mode, taken from GAF T.O. 1F-AJET-1:
It seems nobody loves rookies here.
It hadn't occurred to me that people could be so insensitive, rude, and inconsiderate that they wouldn't bother to give an answer.
I can assure you that if people didn't answer, it was because 1) they hadn't read your question or 2) didn't know the answer, and not because they were "insensitive, rude, and inconsiderate".

You may need to rethink your own attitude.

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