Grey Havoc

Senior Member
9 October 2009
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Oh gosh, here we go again, like f**king Clemenceau 15 years ago. At least this time the shame won't be on France. We don't care ! We dumped the goddam thing on Brazil 22 years ago. Not our problem this time.
(geez, imagine if we had build that 45 000 tons PA58 "Verdun". Third time not the charm !)

On a lighter note: never saw Foch smoking its guts like this. WTH did the Brazilians burned in the boilers ? green wood from the Amazonian forrest ? Would make Admiral Kuznetsov blush in shame - ROTFLMAO !
On a lighter note: never saw Foch smoking its guts like this. WTH did the Brazilians burned in the boilers ? green wood from the Amazonian forrest ? Would make Admiral Kuznetsov blush in shame - ROTFLMAO !
This image was taken during cleaning of the steam plant(I forget the correct English expression), IIRC - and presented as if it was during normal operations. She smoked less in usual service.

As for the brouhaha, it goes on like this: Disposal of former NAe São Paulo was done through a standard government auction. One guy intended to buy the hull, ostensibly to make it a museum; however he failed to procure the required documentation and collateral in time to participate in the auction - as I understand it, he required more time to do it, but his request was denied. So the guy went to a judge asking to suspend the disposal of the ship(a breaker in Turkey won the auction). Thing is, when the judge granted the suspension, the hull had already left Rio de Janeiro, so the judge ordered it back.

I suspect the auction will be declared null and a new auction will be scheduled(which is, of course, the guy's plan).

The story I'm seeing is that Turkey refused permission for the ship to enter Turkish waters to be scrapped. The reason given is that the current owners have not provided an adequately detailed list of hazardous materials on board.


The story I'm seeing is that Turkey refused permission for the ship to enter Turkish waters to be scrapped. The reason given is that the current owners have not provided an adequately detailed list of hazardous materials on board.

Wasn't aware of that, but it doesn't invalidate what it is happening in Brazil(although it does present a reason why the towing ships didn't go on).
Certain parties trying to get the ship beached for scrapping before the Brazilian court order could be enforced, but it blew up in their face, I wonder?
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