Ever Forward aground?

View attachment 675492

Her tracker now says moving at 0.1kts

Still aground, apparently. But not actually in the channel (which is why they're aground, obviously...).

Speculation is it might be a steering failure. They had a pilot aboard (and the MD pilots have a better rep than the Suez pilots) but the vessel track simply failed to make a course change where the channel turns. She she's at now is marked 24 feet at Mean low water. Normal draft is 42.6 feet, but she's clearly riding a lot higher than that at the moment, judging by the amount of red paint showing above the waterline
View attachment 675492

Her tracker now says moving at 0.1kts

Still aground, apparently. But not actually in the channel (which is why they're aground, obviously...).

Speculation is it might be a steering failure. They had a pilot aboard (and the MD pilots have a better rep than the Suez pilots) but the vessel track simply failed to make a course change where the channel turns. She she's at now is marked 24 feet at Mean low water. Normal draft is 42.6 feet, but she's clearly riding a lot higher than that at the moment, judging by the amount of red paint showing above the waterline

Be interesting to know how level the ground she is sitting on is.
I think she missed the turn to starboard out of the Craighill Angle and departed the channel just south of R 16. She might have found the only deepish water outside the main channel

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I think she missed the turn to starboard out of the Craighill Angle and departed the channel just south of R 16. She might have found the only deepish water outside the main channel

View attachment 675494

Wonder if the hull is fully supported?

The tidal range is small (~1 foot), so I don't think anyone is worried about her breaking up or anything. Locals report she is still there this morning, with no tugs present. Which seems odd, but I guess no one is in a hurry to get her unstuck.
Perhaps if she went Ever Backward? (sorry.... first post... please be merciful-ish...)
Latest update is that she is undamaged and the rudder and prop work. But she is also very solidly aground in soft mud. There's no real hope that they can just tow her off at this point. It's going to be a lengthy process that may involve offloading her cargo to barges and/or bringing in jet dredges to excavate the mud out from under her.

And, no luck on either attempt. Up next, they start offloading containers using a pair or crane barges. It's going to be a slow process. She'll likely be there for weeks now.

Has there been any explanation as to why she went aground?
Has there been any explanation as to why she went aground?

Not that I've heard. USCG is leading the investigation but I suspect we won't hear anything until after they have refloated her.

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