European Railgun

More important thing is to find suitable Pulsed power system, preferrably compact one.

There seems to be misconception around about the power source for this weapon on general discussions, where most as far as i see keep pointing on the requirement of high power generator or some sort of exotic power as fusion or "super battery". In fact what required is some sort of super capacitor or any other power source that can release its energy at very short time (though not as short as nanoseconds of explosive but rather 3-4 Microseconds similar as Radar pulsewidth)
Capacitor need also to be charged more than once a day (field weapon). That's where you need power.
Capacitor need also to be charged more than once a day (field weapon). That's where you need power.
you would probably have generator- battery - capacitor- weapon.

You would end up with a limited multishot system, i.e. 5 shots in 5 minutes(capacitor), then 1 shot per 15 minutes until the battery runs down(with generator pumping power in) then 1 per 30 mins just on the generator. For back up you might have some single use fuel cells, or other chemical systems to produce power. For land systems, I can see the gun system, being cabled to 'battery' trucks, and constantly changing the trucks if your in a firefight, not so easy at sea. Trust me standard capacitors discharge really quick! Again I could see single or limited use capacitors etc. or managed degradation, you wont always be shooting at full range/speed.
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