Eric Hehs to Retire

Steve Pace

Aviation History Writer
6 January 2013
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Eric Hehs - Editor of Lockheed Martin's Code One magazine is to retire sometime this month (February 2016). Let's all congratulate him, bid him a fond farewell, and give him a heavy (but loving) smack on his back for his many jobs very well done! -SP
He did a great job indeed. Maybe in retirement he may find time to write an article or book about some of the interesting projects in the Lockheed/General Dynamics archive. Maybe its time for a definitive book on the F-117?

PaulMM (Overscan) said:
He did a great job indeed. Maybe in retirement he may find time to write an article or book about some of the interesting projects in the Lockheed/General Dynamics archive. Maybe its time for a definitive book on the F-117?

Highlighting HARVEY-cum-Have Blue. BTW: Was Northrop's HARVEY called Have Blue or something else (read Tacit ----) ? -SP

"Eric Hehs retired as the editor of Code One on 2 February 2016 after nearly twenty-nine years with the company and twenty-seven years with the magazine. Post Code One, he plans to spend time preserving aviation history and pitching feature articles on various topics, including aviation. And also thinking about deeper subjects, such as the meaning of a dinner roll...."


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