Entwurf D6 and D7a (D-class Panzerschiffe variations) (Ersatz Elsass)


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4 February 2022
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Howdy folks! I recently came across these two designs/blueprints of the D-class panzerschiffe (more like battlecruisers at this point), which were originally named Ersatz Elsass and Ersatz Hessen that eventually became battlecruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau from my understanding of their history. I am trying to find more information on them, mainly armor schemes but the images I have on hand for D7a are too low resolution to read the numbers for the armor, and the D6 either lacks numbers or readable numbers.

From my understanding, the D7a was the last design before they settled on Scharnhorst's and Gneisenau's with the only notable difference (according to someone on the interwebs) being four less 105mm guns, but nothing about the armor was brought up so it leads me to speculate that (if said person is correct) the armor scheme would be identical to Scharnhorst and Gneisenau. If anyone knows where I could find information on these ship designs, or just so happen to know more about the ship designs and their history, I would appreciate any sources/information given. Thanks!

I am not a historian and this is information I've come across from a few forum sites on the internet over the span of one night, please do not source me as legitimate information.


  • Ersatz_elsass_blueprint D6.jpg
    Ersatz_elsass_blueprint D6.jpg
    79.6 KB · Views: 260
  • Ersatz_elsass_blueprint D7a.jpg
    Ersatz_elsass_blueprint D7a.jpg
    117.4 KB · Views: 240
I figured out where you got it from - the site, at least. However, now we need to find the source.
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Technically there are four preliminaries sketches currently know (at least from english only internet sources), D3b, D6, D7 and Neutenwerf I and II (redesigned from D4 resulting D6 and near finalized D7). The rest are hard to find, or never published outside bunderachiv or likely lost, still we need to know who's the author from this book/document.
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Technically there are four preliminaries sketches currently know (at least from english only internet sources), D3b, D6, D7 and Neutenwerf II (redesigned from D4 resulting D6 and near finalized D7). The rest are hard to find, or never published outside bunderachiv or likely lost, still we need to know who's the author from this book/document.
Do you have them on hand by chance? I would love to see them, I think I saw one or two of the ones you mentioned but I can't remember where, I just remember that they looked more like the original D-class Panzerschiffe.
So if I decode correctly for the D class Redesign I and II (Actually Schanhorst preliminaries) the armour is:
Vertical without inclination,
Neuentwurf / Redesign I: 60mm deck over Machinery, 95mm over Magazines 100-100mm Slopes and uniform 350mm Belt
Neuentwurf / Redesign II: 60mm deck over Machinery, 80mm over Magazines 100-100mm Slopes and uniform 300mm Belt
Am I correct?
So if I decode correctly for the D class Redesign I and II (Actually Schanhorst preliminaries) the armour is:
Vertical without inclination,
Neuentwurf / Redesign I: 60mm deck over Machinery, 95mm over Magazines 100-100mm Slopes and uniform 350mm Belt
Neuentwurf / Redesign II: 60mm deck over Machinery, 80mm over Magazines 100-100mm Slopes and uniform 300mm Belt
Am I correct?
Neuentwurf I:
350mm belt
60mm bow Transverse Bulkhead
90mm stern Transverse Bulkhead
Platform (Weather?) Deck: 50mm
Armored Deck: 60-100mm
Gun Faces: 350mm
Conning Tower: 350mm

Neuentwurf II:
300mm Belt
All armor Statistics are otherwise the same as Neuentwurf I.

(So, yes)
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