English Electric Lightning - squadron sizes?


ACCESS: Secret
15 October 2021
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So this might not be the right place for this and if it is im sorry and al delete this, but dose anybody know about how large lighting squadrons were, I tried looking it up and got numbers between 11 and 30 aircraft. I kind of need a ruff number for a separate project and wasn't getting anything elsewhere.
Not my area of expertise I'm afraid, I thought it was typically 12 - 16 aircraft but I don't have a source for that.
You may need to do a little bit of maths, but this site has squadron histories (just general stuff) and aircraft histories (serial numbers, squadrons assigned to, fate).

A quick look though it shows there’s plenty of squadron info in the aircraft histories section, though it may not be able to say how many were operational in a squadron at any time.

I found the site through Thunder and Lightnings, a brilliant site on postwar UK aircraft. The owner has a contact form - you might get lucky if you try it. However, it may be even better to try the various British aircraft groups on Facebook. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are ones for Lightnings and their individual squadrons.

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