Ultimele zboruri ale MiG-21 LanceR ale României: Toate drumurile duc la Bacău. Zboruri simultane către Bacău - ultima misiune a MiG-21
Luni, 15 mai, vor avea loc ultimele zboruri cu aeronavele MiG-21 LanceR din dotarea Forțelor Aeriene Române, acestea urmând a fi scoase din serviciu. Și, într-o ultimă misiune, toate drumurile vor duce la Bacău.
It was suposed at the end of the nineties to be an interim solution. Still, 20 years later, they still serve.
Affectionatly called by its pilots "the pipe" or "the Clothes iron".
First variants of Mig-21 entered in the Romanian Air Force service in 1962. In 15 may they are to be retrated from active service So, with all variants until the Lancer modernisation, a span of over 60 years.
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