Elysian E9X Large Battery-Electric Airliner


All hail the God of Frustration!!!
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15 April 2006
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Very good...I thought the days of things looking like the B-36 were over----it will be nice to see something besides the same old, ugly twinjets.

A long detailed article about an interesting project. Looks promising but building a large airliner the size of an Airbus A320 might be a bit too ambitious for a tiny startup like this.
90 seats is closer to a Dash-8 in size. It might work for hopping over the Channel or across the North Sea, routes of maybe 150nmi/300km.
Instead of designing, put in production and certifying an entire new large commercial airplane... Why don't they refurbish and modify a DC-6?! I would say that it would be much cheaper to put in-service a dozen of such, test the hardware in real conditions and then raise more capital.

We have also Lockheed Orions all over the world being retired by the dozens. Why not rebuild some and start from there. An Orion is something like an Electra, an airliner... That has even the proper name!
Instead of designing, put in production and certifying an entire new large commercial airplane... Why don't they refurbish and modify a DC-6?! I would say that it would be much cheaper to put in-service a dozen of such, test the hardware in real conditions and then raise more capital.

We have also Lockheed Orions all over the world being retired by the dozens. Why not rebuild some and start from there. An Orion is something like an Electra, an airliner... That has even the proper name!
I'm assuming that they're trying to save as much structure weight as possible because of how heavy batteries are.

A long detailed article about an interesting project. Looks promising but building a large airliner the size of an Airbus A320 might be a bit too ambitious for a tiny startup like this.

To charge a 30 Ton battery @400-500 whr/Kg in say an hour, does anyone know what the power cable looks like?
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I didn’t see anything in that article about speed, or expected cost, outside of a need for fuel to double in price to make it competitiv. At present it doesn’t seem very promising.
What sort of energy density are we up to now? Shame it can't get lighter as the charge lowers, perhaps they can eject the individual cells as they deplete and glide them down to collection points. Kinda joking about that but hey we have reusable rockets now...
What sort of energy density are we up to now? Shame it can't get lighter as the charge lowers, perhaps they can eject the individual cells as they deplete and glide them down to collection points. Kinda joking about that but hey we have reusable rockets now...
~360wH/kg for this, hoping to get to 500.

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