ELTA EL/K-1000 UHF backpack radio


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6 June 2024
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Does anyone know infos about the Israeli Elta RT-1052 EL/K-1000 Backpack UHF Transceiver of the late 1970s full solid-state syntetized radio and veicular RF amplifier AM-21EL/K-1000 thank you Marco
I checked Jane's Military Communications 1991-92, nothing. All the Israeli radios listed are by Tadiran, not Elta.

I presume that the EL/K-1000 described rather the family of radios than an individual set. The backpack set that you posted the picture of was probably the EL/K-1001. Jane's Mil Com from 1982 says it was a 225-400 MHz AM set, 7000 channels, 2 W RF power, introduced in 1976.

Please check my query below on the EL/K-1005 mystery set that used an AN/ARC-51 control unit. This radio belonged to the same family.

Well yes it is reasonable to think of a purely avionic evolution of an already engineered product with an identifier moreover very similar. Thank you
I think that your EL/K-1000 set was made in very low numbers. Notably, it has a grey color cabinet, and Israeli manpacks are known to have been rather olive green. I presume that the EL/K-1001 was made in larger quantities, and that these sets could have been sold to South America along with second-hand Israeli jets.
Seems that Norway also used them:


Images hotlinked from the link above.


I agree, in fact the mine is built with extreme accuracy and has mechanical finishes of the imperfections almost prototype-like even though it is not perfect in operation with high harmonic contents and spuriousness of the state-of-the-art synthesizer of the time.
That would explain why Elta's UHF radios were not too popular if undesirable harmonics and spurious emissions were present.

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