The whole configuration is weird. The shape looks like it's designed to freefall, with drag brakes (?) or landing gear (?) at the bottom - there are serious problems with either option for the flaps, but I can't see a third option. There's no entry port visible on top, which is where you'd expect crew access whilst submerged, and the instrumentation would appear to make that untenable. And there's no obvious propulsion or ballast, which invites the question of how the heck you get it to and from wherever you want it.
There was a somewhat-active Manned Underwater Station project in 1966-1967, which this might align with, but if so it's not well suited to the requirement.
As drawn this appears to be a device for permanently entombing its crew in deep ocean silt. Which is a dubious mission profile at best. It almost makes more sense as a free-floating crewed surface station, apart from the equipment on the upper surface.