Elan Vital's military document database and French archives

Elan Vital

ACCESS: Secret
6 September 2019
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Hi everyone,

I have recently created a google drive to gather the documents on military technology that I found over time, either randomly on the Internet or in databases such as DTIC, USAHEC and Safran's heritage database. I was frustrated that I couldn't easily share these documents on Discord and SPF due to file size limitations, so this drive should be more easily accessible. It is also somewhat organized although I still have work to do on that front.

You may be particularly interested in documents related to automotives as I have found some really insightful and detailed ones.

The link to the drive in question: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YVhVgIPXWU4a5zmzLQBzLagCgnsLpIxw

If this post breaks any safety rules of this forum or needs to be moved elsewhere please tell me. Note that the documents in question are all freely available on the internet.

I hope you all will find something interesting here.

Elan Vital
Hi everyone,

I have recently created a google drive to gather the documents on military technology that I found over time, either randomly on the Internet or in databases such as DTIC, USAHEC and Safran's heritage database. I was frustrated that I couldn't easily share these documents on Discord and SPF due to file size limitations, so this drive should be more easily accessible. It is also somewhat organized although I still have work to do on that front.

You may be particularly interested in documents related to automotives as I have found some really insightful and detailed ones.

The link to the drive in question: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YVhVgIPXWU4a5zmzLQBzLagCgnsLpIxw

If this post breaks any safety rules of this forum or needs to be moved elsewhere please tell me. Note that the documents in question are all freely available on the internet.

I hope you all will find something interesting here.

Elan Vital

Now that's a fantastic idea ! And you know what ? I should do the same, with the 13000- something (WDF ??!! ) aerospace documents (pdfs) I've amassed since 2008...

Capture d’écran 2023-07-26 112311.jpg :D
That would be a good idea, though personally it already took me a couple hours just to upload everything I had (under 20 Go, I even left my 1960's French Army magazine issues because it took so long).
Never thought about Google drive before, but now you use it, that thing is quite robust, not the kind of pulling out a Photobucket blackmail on you, someday...
I should, first, eliminate the identical files (doublons, whatever the english word for that)
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Google Drive seems a good option for handy document cloud storage. The search engine works fine. If you take your time to name your files with key tags then retrieve it is fast and easy.
Very cool and much appreciated, Sir.
Hi everyone,

Since the start of this thread, I have expanded my research to the physical French military archives at Vincennes, with plans to visit those at Châtellerault starting from this year's Fall.

My research has presently been targeted at interwar-1940 French ground equipment and army. I have uploaded my findings on two google photo albums here:

Though not necessarily centered on secret projects, I have nonetheless made quite good progress on that front. I will open threads in the relevant sections.

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