Egypt Obtains MiG-35 & Ka-52

Really hope those Ka-52's work out for you. Have always been a fan, and it seems a pretty decent concept for an attack aircraft (i.e. no tail rotor to loose).
and the M2's looks nice and capable too. It also come with the T220 Targeting pod.
Really hope those Ka-52's work out for you. Have always been a fan, and it seems a pretty decent concept for an attack aircraft (i.e. no tail rotor to loose).
Why concept? Its a fully mature platform that was used in combat quite extensively.
Indeed. To my knowledge it is the only attack/reconnaissance rotorcraft in production without a tail rotor. Very much aware that it is a combat proven design.
They were ordered quite some time ago, before 35 face was fully formed. OTOH with order that would probably happened earlier.
Are they meant for operation on the Gamal Abdul Nassr and Anwar Saadat Mistral-class BPC ships?
I suppose so :
Were the Ka-52s not originally ordered for the Mistrals by Russia and part of the deal anyway? Or is my memory rusty on that?
According to the link posted by Galgot, it's not yet done: "negotiations are underway with Egypt on the sale of a batch of ship-borne Ka-52K helicopters to be based on two Egyptian Mistral UDCs".
So these appear to be land-based. Sat photos spotted them at Al Khatamia AB, too.
The announcement of the navy's order back in 2016:
That Ka-52K order has been officially confirmed by Russian Helicopters:

If I recall correctly, the air force's Ka-52s have done some flying off the Egyptian Mistrals (Gamal Abdel Nasser sub-class).
Algerian M2, is it just me or does it have more composites (by surface area) than previous birds?



lovely. the choice of mig-29m2 was a smart one. mig-35 was and is still not ready. BTW whats with the flame in the image above?

anyways I have a soft spot in my heart for migs. and the ka-52 is also really cool. I heard they are going to get the new EO suite but not sure about the upgrade to the arbelet radar when it comes out.
does Egypt or Algeria receive special pricing from the Russian manufacturers?
Especially Algeria since it's more or less operating the same thing as the Russian AF, just with a few more western helicopters.

TBH, rather than MiG-29M2s, wish they'd got more Su-30MKAs and Yak-130s
their AF is interesting. the ones that are painted grey are for air superiority. the ones with camo are tasked with ground attack. I assume the latter is to replace the Su-24s.
Any idea as to what weapons the Egyptian Air Force will be getting to accompany the MiG-29M2 deal? Will it include any new advanced missiles?
Any idea as to what weapons the Egyptian Air Force will be getting to accompany the MiG-29M2 deal? Will it include any new advanced missiles?

If I am not completely blind, then this photo shows the Kh-38 and R-77 missiles (which one?).

In theory, there should be R-73 \ 74 and X-31.


Thanks Evgeniy.
On the MiG-29M2 (airborne FB-99) manufactured for the Algerian Air Force, a new Russian helmet-mounted target designation and indication system NSCI-KOS was noticed, and this NSC was delivered to the pilots of the Egyptian Air Force (MiG-29M / M2).
^ Machine translated tweet.
Looks cool. Guess no more Ukrainan Sura-K for recent exports.
could they create a less intensive hms with a small bit of hud info along with the sighting and targeting? I wonder sometimes if western fighters these days overload a pilot.

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