"Edge of Tomorrow"


Donald McKelvy
Senior Member
14 August 2009
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Exo-skeletons and quad-tiltrotors are features in this summer's Tom Cruise action flick Edge of Tomorrow.

Looking forward to this. I know it'll be a cheesefest but dammit, power suits and airborne assault meet Groundhog Day! How can it go wrong!
Check Out This Cool Edge of Tomorrow Concept Art by Tim Browning:
IMAX 3D today 5:15pm U will write a brief review, no spoilers, tomorrow.
A friend saw it last night and said it wasn't to a par with Oblivion or other recent SF films he liked, but pretty forgettable altogether. Any other opinions?
Skyblazer said:
A friend saw it last night and said it wasn't to a par with Oblivion or other recent SF films he liked, but pretty forgettable altogether. Any other opinions?

I saw it a few days ago.
Obviously, it can be challenging to tell a story such as this one. I think they did an OK job of that. It got repetitive in places, but only to use the repetition itself to move things forward (if that makes sense). There were some other times that it didn't work so well, and they didn't really build the characters very deeply. Overall the movie was enjoyable.
Abraham Gubler said:
Triton said:
Exo-skeletons and quad-tiltrotors are features

But not helmets?

For some reason helmet technology hasn't kept up with exoskeleton tech, meaning that it tends to come off or get damaged.

Anyway, I saw the movie and I thought it was decent. The aliens (that's only a spoiler if you care about the first 5 minutes of the movie); the quad tilt-rotors method of deploying troops is rather interesting, although I don't imagine it being that flexible when it comes to payload. I also have no idea how the pilot gets into the damn thing considering it sits like 3 metres off the ground when on the tarmac. I'm also dubious about where the landing gear goes when retracted (it sits at the back of each engine). I must say however that they do at least appear to be quite durable. ;)
I thought it was a pretty good "just don't overthink it" flick. The only part I thought was *really* good was the last two seconds or so, where a character gives an "Aw, sonuva..." look.
So its some kind of 'Ground Hog Day' vs 'Starship Troopers' deal then?

Or is it a more subtle attempt at an L-Ron-H scenario, given the flops the other attempts have been?

Maybe worth it for the spectacle, since Tom aint in too much of an uptight/intense acting mode?
Orionblamblam said:
I thought it was a pretty good "just don't overthink it" flick. The only part I thought was *really* good was the last two seconds or so, where a character gives an "Aw, sonuva..." look.

Just got back from the theater, really liked it. Blended really good action sequences with a decent story but also firmly in the 'don't over think it' genre of films.

One question after they conquer a territory do they go underground? Like when they were at the farm and Tom Cruise said don't start the helicopter there is a Mimic hiding buried over there.

I would have included some explanation as to why there was no heavy armor, or bombers and fighter planes, etc. Or were they wiped out in the first battles?

These type of movies always leaves me asking where are the nukes? Like we've found the Omega launch the SLBMs. A nice RNEP on a D5 would have worked pretty well, sorry no more Mona Lisa no more Paris price humanity must pay to rid us of the invaders ;D
One question after they conquer a territory do they go underground? Like when they were at the farm and Tom Cruise said don't start the helicopter there is a Mimic hiding buried over there.
I would have included some explanation as to why there was no heavy armor, or bombers and fighter planes, etc. Or were they wiped out in the first battles?


The whole movie is just about the same 2 days, before the battle and the day of battle. The battle happens every day and they both scape from the battle trying to reach the "overlord". The movie show at first how they by trial and error get out of the beach and for the time they reach the farm they've been there several times. The battle is still happening every day. They lost their armors every day.
The next day he tried something different and he learn the overlord isn't where the vision indicates so they changes the strategy and go for the "special device" in the General's hands.


I liked the movie not bad but the original novel is a lot better. The mimics are different and the logic is a lot more consistent.
Alcides said:
One question after they conquer a territory do they go underground? Like when they were at the farm and Tom Cruise said don't start the helicopter there is a Mimic hiding buried over there.
I would have included some explanation as to why there was no heavy armor, or bombers and fighter planes, etc. Or were they wiped out in the first battles?


The whole movie is just about the same 2 days, before the battle and the day of battle. The battle happens every day and they both scape from the battle trying to reach the "overlord". The movie show at first how they by trial and error get out of the beach and for the time they reach the farm they've been there several times. The battle is still happening every day. They lost their armors every day.
The next day he tried something different and he learn the overlord isn't where the vision indicates so they changes the strategy and go for the "special device" in the General's hands.


I liked the movie not bad but the original novel is a lot better. The mimics are different and the logic is a lot more consistent.

You pulled a quote from my post was your response meant to answer those questions? It doesn't answer where the F-35s are unless I missed that part?

There was obviously a large backstory we have to speculate about of how the Mimics landed and took over most of Europe where they lost the battle of Verdun when we then hear about the Angel of Verdun. We learn they intentionally lost the battle to draw the rest of the globes military force to try an all out assault where the Mimics, who knew it was coming, could wipe out the last of our defenses.

In your spoiler section you keep saying 'they were there many times'. No only Tom Cruise was there many times it was always the first time for the woman, although of course Tom Cruise could relay the information from the prior days battle to her.
Haven't seen this yet but have seen Godzilla which I thought was great. I saw an extended trailer for this movie before the start of Godzilla and it did look interesting I guess. I did like Oblivion a lot too so hopefully it is as good as that.
bobbymike said:
I would have included some explanation as to why there was no heavy armor, or bombers and fighter planes, etc. Or were they wiped out in the first battles?

There was at least one F-35 I saw...went by in a blur, though. Maybe (probably) were more. Lots of Eurocopter Tigers in the beach assault scenes, too. There were at least two Zubr-class hovercraft at the beach's edge as well, but it was mostly power-armors charging across the battlefield.

Really, what the movie was doing was directly paralleling the Normandy beach invasion (which saw it's 70th anniversary on the movie's release weekend) but with quadrotors instead of small landing craft.

And I loved every minute of it.
Abraham Gubler said:
Triton said:
Exo-skeletons and quad-tiltrotors are features

But not helmets?

Most of them wore helmets. You don't see Cruise or Blunt do so for reasons that Blunt's character gives at one point.
bobbymike said:
These type of movies always leaves me asking where are the nukes? Like we've found the Omega launch the SLBMs. A nice RNEP on a D5 would have worked pretty well, sorry no more Mona Lisa no more Paris price humanity must pay to rid us of the invaders ;D

Sorry, I know this is like the third separate reply I've posted, but didn't the movie set up the idea that command didn't believe in the idea of the Omega? That's why the scientist got busted back to machinist, because he detailed out his theories and they thought he'd lost it.
Jeb said:
bobbymike said:
These type of movies always leaves me asking where are the nukes? Like we've found the Omega launch the SLBMs. A nice RNEP on a D5 would have worked pretty well, sorry no more Mona Lisa no more Paris price humanity must pay to rid us of the invaders ;D

Sorry, I know this is like the third separate reply I've posted, but didn't the movie set up the idea that command didn't believe in the idea of the Omega? That's why the scientist got busted back to machinist, because he detailed out his theories and they thought he'd lost it.

Another reason is that

even if they believed in the Omega, they didn't know where it was. In fact, remember that the location they acted on per Cage's initial visions turned up a dry hole. Either they were falsely planted, or they were out of date and the Omega had moved.

Also, even if they had believed the scientist, they'd still have to find someone properly "receptive" and they'd have to check out the site before they nuked the true location, given where it was (decided not to reveal it). Plus once we did find it, there wasn't much of our forces left or time to do anything before the Mimics achieved victory.

Yeah, I liked the movie. Not great, but definitely above Hollywood's average treatment of this kind of fantasy.
F-14D said:
Jeb said:
bobbymike said:
These type of movies always leaves me asking where are the nukes? Like we've found the Omega launch the SLBMs. A nice RNEP on a D5 would have worked pretty well, sorry no more Mona Lisa no more Paris price humanity must pay to rid us of the invaders ;D

Sorry, I know this is like the third separate reply I've posted, but didn't the movie set up the idea that command didn't believe in the idea of the Omega? That's why the scientist got busted back to machinist, because he detailed out his theories and they thought he'd lost it.

Another reason is that

even if they believed in the Omega, they didn't know where it was. In fact, remember that the location they acted on per Cage's initial visions turned up a dry hole. Either they were falsely planted, or they were out of date and the Omega had moved.

Also, even if they had believed the scientist, they'd still have to find someone properly "receptive" and they'd have to check out the site before they nuked the true location, given where it was (decided not to reveal it). Plus once we did find it, there wasn't much of our forces left or time to do anything before the Mimics achieved victory.

Yeah, I liked the movie. Not great, but definitely above Hollywood's average treatment of this kind of fantasy.

I liked the movie so am not picking more nits than a father son spider monkey team but;

If they finally convinced the general to hand over the receptor why not stick it in your leg in his office and then tell him where the Omega was? I am sure with all of Europe completely destroyed the general could convince the chain of command to drop a single low yield earth penetrator GPS and laser guided right down the hole where the Omega was. The Mimics had laid waste to Europe what harm could come from one little bomb.

We must remember the other negative thing was Tom Cruise lost his ability trying to escape after getting the receptor when if he had stayed in the generals office during this time and if push came to shove the woman could have 'reset' the clock by shooting Cruise again. Remember Cruise told the general he had been there many times trying to convince him without getting the receptor until the last time and the woman mentioned having had shot the general other times - which was I'm sure was after killing Tom Cruise to reset the clock and probably getting her killed so Cruise could find her again.

Besides when they took off to get the Omega it was BEFORE the invasion that's how they were able to take J squad so earth still had its forces available.
Agreed, continuity/credibility holes are the ruination of time-shift stories..

But as far a nukes go, Sci-fi aliens often appear to be impervious to them, such as in the `50s 'War of the Worlds'
& ' Independence Day' movies - Apes however, aint..
Really enjoyed it. Of course a healthy dose of suspension of disbelief helped there.

It would have been great if it had ended when he woke up in the helo. Ha!
bobbymike said:
We must remember the other negative thing was Tom Cruise lost his ability trying to escape after getting the receptor when if he had stayed in the generals office during this time and if push came to shove the woman could have 'reset' the clock by shooting Cruise again. Remember Cruise told the general he had been there many times trying to convince him without getting the receptor until the last time and the woman mentioned having had shot the general other times - which was I'm sure was after killing Tom Cruise to reset the clock and probably getting her killed so Cruise could find her again.

Besides when they took off to get the Omega it was BEFORE the invasion that's how they were able to take J squad so earth still had its forces available.

Time doesn't work like most concepts in other movies. In this one, there's only one tom cruise. There's no future tom cruise nor past tom cruise. He literally reset the entire universe, so the moment the woman killed him, that timeline simply reset. She doesn't exist in an alternative future at all where she had to face the consequence of killing a man. that's why killing him is so easy for her.
The Graham Norton Show on BBC had Cruise & Blunt last week & they talked some about the filming. Blunt said her exosuit, which I think was the smallest of at least the "hero" suits, weighed 80+lbs. Cruise's must have weighed more, as there was more to it. They toughed through a lot of movement in those rigs.
donnage99 said:
bobbymike said:
We must remember the other negative thing was Tom Cruise lost his ability trying to escape after getting the receptor when if he had stayed in the generals office during this time and if push came to shove the woman could have 'reset' the clock by shooting Cruise again. Remember Cruise told the general he had been there many times trying to convince him without getting the receptor until the last time and the woman mentioned having had shot the general other times - which was I'm sure was after killing Tom Cruise to reset the clock and probably getting her killed so Cruise could find her again.

Besides when they took off to get the Omega it was BEFORE the invasion that's how they were able to take J squad so earth still had its forces available.

Time doesn't work like most concepts in other movies. In this one, there's only one tom cruise. There's no future tom cruise nor past tom cruise. He literally reset the entire universe, so the moment the woman killed him, that timeline simply reset. She doesn't exist in an alternative future at all where she had to face the consequence of killing a man. that's why killing him is so easy for her.

I would argue that in the eyes of the woman there is a 'future' Tom Cruise because althought the Universe resets (for everyone but Tom Cruise) he still has total recollection all the prior events of all the previous days that are the 'unknowable' future to her.

There is a past Tom Cruise in his eyes because he has already lived 'in the future' and those different futures are part of his recallable 'pasts'.

Question - Was is not the Omega resetting the day because a 'blue' Mimic was killed and becasue Tom Cruise got covered in Blue Mimic blood was 'connected' to the Omega as if he was a Blue Mimic.

That's how the Mimics win if a Blue Mimic dies that information is sent to the Omega and the Omega 'resets' the day and starts over 'knowing' what happened in the battle? In this case Tom Cruise's death was the event resetting the day becasue he was a 'Blue Mimic' that's why in the scene at the Dam the real Blue Mimic didn't attack and kill Cruise cause Cruise was a Blue Mimic.
I actually enjoyed it far more than I should have - we saw it at the largest Imax theater in Minnesota and it was in 3D so it was pretty overwhelming. Just go and suspend disbelief and enjoy. The quad tiltrotors looked pretty cool (even if they do seem to explode without warning).
bobbymike said:
I would argue that in the eyes of the woman there is a 'future' Tom Cruise because althought the Universe resets (for everyone but Tom Cruise) he still has total recollection all the prior events of all the previous days that are the 'unknowable' future to her.
We are not talking about what the characters think or their perception. We are talking about what is. When the woman shoots Tom, everything resets, including Tom. She and the rest of the universe do not go on living in a alternative future after Tom dies. There is only ONE timeline that keeps getting reset. The server simply keeps the knowledge of what happened and sent it to Tom, who is acting as a blue mimic, after the reset.

As for your question, YES, the mimic wants him to bleed to death so that he would lose his power. That's why when he pointed the gun to his head to reset, it slapped the gun away from him. Tom still managed to die and reset by drowning himself.
donnage99 said:
bobbymike said:
We must remember the other negative thing was Tom Cruise lost his ability trying to escape after getting the receptor when if he had stayed in the generals office during this time and if push came to shove the woman could have 'reset' the clock by shooting Cruise again. Remember Cruise told the general he had been there many times trying to convince him without getting the receptor until the last time and the woman mentioned having had shot the general other times - which was I'm sure was after killing Tom Cruise to reset the clock and probably getting her killed so Cruise could find her again.

Besides when they took off to get the Omega it was BEFORE the invasion that's how they were able to take J squad so earth still had its forces available.

Time doesn't work like most concepts in other movies. In this one, there's only one tom cruise. There's no future tom cruise nor past tom cruise. He literally reset the entire universe, so the moment the woman killed him, that timeline simply reset. She doesn't exist in an alternative future at all where she had to face the consequence of killing a man. that's why killing him is so easy for her.

IIRC, when they got the receptor, she asked Tom what happens now and he said he didn't know because they'd never gotten that far before. They probably wanted to use it in a more controlled environment, and since the General had "given" it to them, they thought all was well. Then, the next reset, they were being chased and had to use it out of desperation. Then the crash happened and he got the transfusion, so no more resets.

Just watched it in the 3D IMAX at the Metrocentre in Gateshead. Rather liked it and I'd say it's worth seeing. Don't know if it really benefited from the 3D, but maybe that's just me.


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