Early submarine (1700 to 1900) unbuilt project ?


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19 December 2009
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Im looking for info (image,drawing) or books on Unbuild submarine project before year 1900, other than pioneer,Hunley and Alligator. Any info whould be apreciated :) thanks
turtle, obviously... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turtle_%28submarine%29

seems to be a list at http://www.heiszwolf.com/subs/plans/plans.html
yep I Know the turtle ! :) the second link is interesting ! thanks , any other info everyone ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rzuk3-7tVFU a bit of pre 1900s submarine history.
Russian project between 1799-1900 years (in Russian):
I think, most interesting project of this period - Shestunov 1877-1879 sumbarine:
"Шестунов Николай Яковлевич. Инженер-механик флота. В 1879 г. разработал проект подводной лодки водоизмещением 1680 т при длине 67 м и диаметре веретенообразного корпуса 8,5 м. Подал идею подразделять корпус лодки на ярусы. Двигатель для подводного хода — два электромотора (с питанием от гальванических элементов), приводивших в действие мощные насосы водометного движителя. В оконечностях лодки имелось по две водопроточные трубы, в которые насосы засасывали забортную воду через приемные отверстия и выбрасывали обратно за борт — через выкидные сопла. Водомет использовался также для управления лодкой в горизонтальной плоскости и по глубине. Внутренний объем лодки подразделялся двумя палубами на три яруса. В верхнем ярусе размещались вдувной и вытяжной вентиляторы для перемешивания воздуха внутри лодки на подводном ходу, автоматический прибор для регенерации воздуха и другие вспомогательные механизмы; в среднем — офицерские каюты и другие помещения; в нижнем — кубрики команды,аккумуляторные батареи и электромоторы. Над средней частью корпуса имелась небольшая цилиндрическая рубка со смотровыми иллюминаторами."
"Shestunov Nikolay Yakovlevich. Fleet Mechanical Engineer. In 1879, he developed a project for a submarine with a displacement of 1,680 tons with a length of 67 m and a diameter of a spindle-shaped hull of 8.5 m. He proposed the idea of dividing the hull of a boat into tiers. The underwater engine is two electric motors (powered by galvanic cells) that drive the powerful pumps of the water-jet propulsion. At the ends of the boat there were two water flow pipes, into which the pumps sucked outboard water through the inlet openings and threw it back overboard - through the discharge nozzles. The water cannon was also used to control the boat in a horizontal plane and in depth. The internal volume of the boat was divided by two decks into three tiers. In the upper tier there were inflatable and exhaust fans for mixing air inside the boat underwater, an automatic device for air regeneration and other auxiliary mechanisms; on average, officer cabins and other rooms; in the bottom - the team’s cockpits, batteries and electric motors. Above the middle part of the hull there was a small cylindrical wheelhouse with viewing portholes."
True Russian Nautilus))) With captain Nemoff))
From this:
Earliest Russian submarines - XVII century submarine of Zaporozhian Cossacks, and project of Efim Nikonov, 1718-1728.
From Russian book, "History of submarines. 1624-1904", A. E. Taras:
Demountable submarine from treatise of Roberto Valturio, with rotating paddles on crankshafts, 1472:
Concept of Leonardo da Vinci, 1502:
Submarine from book "Inventions or Devices, very necessary for all Generalles and Captaines, or Leaders of Men, as well by Sea and by Land", William Bourne, 1578:
Van Drebbel "underwater galley", 1624:
Depth to 12-15 foot, range to 6 Dutch miles (6 x 7.407 km, 44.44 km, or 24 standart marine miles). Tested a anti-ship powder "petard", "making a hole with a diameter of 15-16 foot" (4.572-4.877 metres), with impact fuze. In June 1626, British fleet ordered van Drebbel to make a "360 wrought shells with powder, 50 water mines and 290 water petards".
De Son (French engineer, for Holland) ram submarine, with paddle wheel and spring, 1654:
Denis Papin metal submarine, 1692 (reconstruction of A. E. Taras):
1 and 5 - hatches (5 - for hand), 2 - snorkels, 4 - paddle, 3 - tube for drill or powder mine.

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