Early Soviet Jet Fighters

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Never Enough
29 August 2012
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Hello Everybody.
I'm an independent researcher and writer interested in aviation (in general) and mostly attracted by soviet aviation's history. I'm trying to write a complete analysis about soviet fighters of the first era (1945-55) in Italian language (a novelty, I think). Sometimes I get stuck in searching some important information about aircraft, especially for less known projects. This forum is very interesting for me and here I wish I meet someone to share informations and data about the matter.
It's really difficult for me to find something out beyond of well known sources (as Gordon, Gunston etc...) and the Russian literature is too hard.
By now, I almost completed what i think is all about the following constructors: Alekseyev, Antonov, Baade, Cheranovskiy, Lavochkin, Mikoyan Gurevich, Sukhoy and Yakovlev. I'm sure there is much undiscovered material. If anyone knows...
Thank you.
Searching the forum in depth could be a good start... ;)

Welcome aboard.
Please stop reposting pictures you already posted before. Search for correct topics, this is a BAD topic because it is too non-specific.

La-250 topic here: http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,933.0.html (you posted pics above there already in 2015)
Oh sorry I only search post war project.
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