Early Northrop Aircraft


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26 May 2006
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a beautiful site he speak about many companies and
early Northrop aircraft list .
Interesting site which provides a lot of answers and certainly helped me a lot at the time when I strived to complete my Northrop design list!

As for the missing designations, here's some clues:

N-7 -- perhaps the twin-engined medium bomber project developed from N-1M?
N-13 -- welding process [according to this member]
N-17 -- XP-61E, long range day fighter/bomber escort [same page]
N-176 -- delta-winged, eight-turbine Mach 2 medium-range interceptor project (see: Airpower 91:5)

Moreover, some conflicting info exists on N-149, which is given here either as an XJ79 jet engine or as a laminar flow research program on two modified WB-66Ds (X-21A program presumably)... but a third version states that this designation applies to a projected development of N-126 DELTA SCORPION! (same Airpower issue).

There is also the P-630 designation for the F-18 fighter (production version of YF-17) (also known as McDonnell Douglas Model 267), and according to a more recent numbering system, the N-14 "SENIOR ICE", a pre-B-2 bomber project for USAF's ATB program.
Hi Stargazer2006!

Northrop 7A---Douglas Model 7B/DB-7, A-20 Havoc and Boston
Source: Les avions et engins Northrop(Minidocavia Number 21), by Alain Pelletier, page 40

Northrop N-149---2-seat, long-range interceptor, 2xJ79 engine
Some source: page 87-88

N-176---Cet intercepteur supersonique a long rayon d'action devait etre dote de deux propulseurs G.E. J83 composes chacun de quatre reacteurs G.E. J85 de 1800 kgp et alimentes par une entree d'air ventrale dotee d'un gros cone mobile. Il devait etre arme de missiles air-sol tout temps en soute(fr); supersonic interceptor that a long radius of action was to be equipped with two GE J83 engines, each of four GE J85 reacteurs 1,800 kgp and powered by an air inlet ventral with a large cone mobile. It should be a weapon of air-ground missiles any time in the hold.
Some source: page 97

N-7---Maquette de soufflerie (fr); wind tunnel model.
Some source, Annexe III-Nomenclature des projets Northrop (N-1 a N-160), page 121
Drawings for the N-126, N-144, N-149, N-167, and N-176, here at Orionblamblam's site,


Hi Nugo, thanks for contributing!

I'm afraid the "Model 7" you describe belongs to the former Northrop (Douglas El Segundo) numbering system. Apart from models 7 and 8, I'm not quite sure about how the models 1 to 6 were allocated, but they correspond to the following:

Alpha 1, 2, C-19, 3, 4, 4A
Beta 3, 3D
Delta 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1D Executive, 1D-3, 1D-7, 1D(-8), 1E (= Gamma 1E)
Gamma 2A, 2B, 2C (YA-13), 2D, 2D2 (2H), 2E, 2EC, 2ED, 2ED-C, 2F, 2G, 2J-2, 2L
Gamma 3A (XP-948)
Gamma 5A, 5B, XA-16, A-17, A-17AS, 5D, BT-1, BT-2, Douglas 1X
7A (attack proposal), (DB-)7B (Havoc prototype)
Gamma 8A (A-17A), 8A-1, 8A-2, 8A-3N, 8A-3P, 8A-4, (DB-)8A-5 (A-33)

Now how the DB-19 ("BT-1S") fits in there is mysterious, unless it's a very old typo for DB-9!!

Thanks anyway!

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