EAP: Britain's Last Manned Demonstrator by Allan Seabridge


I really should change my personal text
Senior Member
23 August 2013
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Published on the 30th anniversary of the successful EAP programme

Excellent treatise on Project and historical considerations on the EAP program me - quite magisterial in its treatment with excellent diagrams . texts . colour pics and design perspectives - by Allan Seabridge and BAE Systems - HB with 400 Pp

Picked up my copy from Aviation Bookshop during RIAT - copies available with Simon Watson


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One for the wishlist! £30. I would imagine it's got more in it than my old Aeroguide EAP book ;)
Anyone got a link to a store selling it? Neither Amazon nor Aviation-Bookshop show it on their websites.

Thanks in advance.
its avail at the Aviation bookstore for sure


The copy I ordered from Amazon arrived today, reassuringly the return address on the envelope was for BAE Systems Warton.

Even more reassuringly it is heavy, good quality paper, binding and hardback. I have flicked through already and it seems remarkably detailed, there are flow diagrams for avionics systems, fuel systems layouts etc. It is picture and diagram heavy. On that basis alone it seems like a must have for anyone interested in Typhoon evolution.
I acquired a copy today from the Waterstones in Preston, they have a large stack if anyone is in the north of England or passing through.
The Waterstones in Preston often stock BAE books (under the transport and local interest sections), so its a handy place to pick up their books.

It is a large and very detailed volume and from a quick flick-through seems to cover a lot of details and mixes archive material with recollections from the staff involved with the programme.
There is a brief background to the history of fighter too, I was hoping for a little more on the AST.396 and 403 designs, but there is a lot of information in this book and it covers a lot of ground. Some of the diagrams and photos are a bit pixelated and blurry from being re-sized but overall there is much of interest here.
I also received mine yesterday and it looks like a very good read. I was a little disappointed that the book didn't contain any new air to air pictures of the EAP in all it's glory but it's now on top of my to read pile anyway. I agree with Hood's comments about the many diagrams and pictures.
I am glad Folks concur with my Views - it was a must have minute i saw it in RIAT and the price must be subsidized by Wharton - else left to commercial publishers it would be easily double the price for the Quality ,Binding and content
Hello. I'm just wondering if anybody can post a link or even a website where I can buy this book. I live in the United States and can not find it here. I tried the United kingdom Amazon website but the one sellere will not ship to the US. I'm really interested in gettin this book. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
It's now in the New Releases section of the Aviation Bookshop website, www.aviation-bookshop.com

30 GBP plus 16 GBP postage.
If you reside in the USA, though, The Aviation Bookshop is the best way to go since the seller on Amazon-UK does not ship to the US. I've ordered my copy through the Aviation Bookshop and look forward to getting it.
Mine seems to be going by sea from Amazon as I still do not have it.
My copy arrived fine - in England. I have to wait until November for my mum to bring it over :)
Ordered mine online through The Aviation Bookshop and got it within two weeks. A most thorough and fascinating book.
Just got done ordering mine thru the Aviation Bookshop. Let the wait begin.
Finally got mine from Amazon after the first seller folded.
A very useful book on both the EAP and the projects leading up to it. Sits very nicely with the Secret Projects books
and contains a great amount of information and no padding.
I finally got myself an EAP desk model from a great chap called Paul after missing one at Sandown Toy Fair in the 90s!

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